Friday 28 July 2017

Babaria Media - Captcha solving jobs- Top and best sites for online captcha solving jobs

Captcha solving jobs- Top and best sites for online captcha solving jobs


Looking for captcha work?, then these online captcha solving jobs are perfect for you.
Do you have enough time to spare for some other work?
Do you like quick earnings?
Are you looking for some easy jobs to be done without much hassles?
If all these questions have a common answer "Yes," then yes, online captcha solving jobs are just meant for you. These Captcha filling jobs are quick earners and for those, who are always in search of part-time jobs to be done in their spare time. 
online captcha solving jobs
Note: This is a guest post, so the thoughts and views expressed here are of the author and not mine. I have zero experience with online captcha solving jobs so follow the advice at your discretion.
And let me tell you the fact that, as it is a very easy-to-do job, you have the freedom to do it from anywhere and everywhere you want..
Yes, this means exactly the same; you can even do this when you are travelling, or sitting idle at home or in the office. So, forget wasting time and utilize it for better financial security. 
What essential things would you require for the captcha typing jobs?
AK-47! No!
Hand Granade! No! No!
A missile! Not at all!
LOL :P! Jokes Apart! You will not require any of those things mentioned above. You will simply require three things-​
  • A free-you
  • A working laptop or desktop
  • A high-speed internet connection
Important - If anybody asks you to invest money for the captcha filling job, just deny. No Captcha entry job requires the investment!
As you could see how easy is to start Captcha entry work, why wouldn't you give it a chance? And if you think that you know a very little about this  job, then stay tuned. This whole article will guide you through everything that takes account in doing the Captcha filling work. 

A brief introduction about the online captcha work

As I love guiding my readers for their interest, again, I have come with a new interest of all you guys which is earning extra than your regular income. In this article, my focus is to guide you about the online data entry jobs without investment in India and the topic is Online Captcha Entry Job. 
So, as for me, "Time Is Money," let us not waste much time and start with the concept of Captcha filling.

What is Captcha?

CATCHA is an abbreviation of Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.
Quite long right? But what to do; website's security matters a lot and Captcha helps in preventing the abuse of the website. With its helps, nobody can access the website by with the help of automated software. In this way, the spam registrations, cyber frauds, and other nefarious activities are avoided. 
So, actually in a way, CAPTCHA implementation has a good deed and hence, it becomes necessary for each website to get this implemented. 
It is not only a great way to prevent nefarious activities, but it is also a smart technique to keep kids away from the website. The websites may contain adultery items or inappropriate content for the kids. 

What is ​captcha work?

As we understood the concept of CAPTCHA, here comes the brief description of this captcha entry work. But as we start digging deep the concept, here is one question. 
Are you well-versed with the internet? ​
It is because if you are an internet savvy, you must have seen something like this image below while working on the Internet very often. ​
This is what we call Captcha; some scribbled words which we have to exactly fill in as in the image to successfully sign up in any website. But there is one limitation.
The CAPTCHA is a human verification test and hence, no automated software is capable of solving this. To do this job, many of companies out there  hire the people who can perform Captcha filling job for them. 
Also, as they need this work in a fairly large quantity, they need you (part-time job seekers) to do this job. So, understand your importance and utilize this chance to make extra money. You can fairly earn as much as you want. But for that, you will have to be dedicated as hell because this job needs proper concentration.

Captcha entry work- Your speed matters a lot

This whole work revolves around two things:
  • Accuracy to recognize the Captcha
  • Speed to fill the recognized Captcha
  • If you have these two, you meet the credentials to qualify for this job. Let us see how the Captcha Filling Work is done. 

    The whole process in a few simple steps

    1. The software for Captcha filling job creates an accounts on different websites.
    2. When the software comes across the Captcha characters, it sends the image to you.
    3. You have to recognize the image and fill in the exact characters.
    4. Once the characters are matched, the job is said successful. 
    5. When you fill 1000 of such Captchas, your account gets credited with the designated remuneration. 
You must have got enough information until now. It is the time to start the job and get paid. Money is waiting for you my dear friend!!

Best Sites For Captcha Entry Work

As I have guided you this far, it is the time that I should guide you a little more. Now, I am going to explain you a bit about some of the genuinely working sites for Captcha entry jobs. These sites are tried and tested by many of Captch solvers who have earned a lot from these sites. 
​So, if you also want to earn some extra bucks by doing data entry jobs without investment, do not waste a single minute and read about the sites providing captcha entry jobs without investment. 

TOP 9 online Captcha Solving Job Sites​

Website Name
Website Link

#1. MegaTypers

  • Rated as one of the best Captcha Solving job sites, MegaTypers pays $0.45 to $1.5 for per 1000 word images which are successfully typed. 
  • The sites accepts PayPal, Payza, WebMoney amd Western Union accounts for payment transaction.
  • By regularly working on the site, you can earn up to $250 and more every month. 

#2.  ProTypers

  • ProTypers is no less than any conglomerate website offering online data entry without investment.
  • Working on this site could fetch you $200 orr more every month. 
  • This site is an international site calling captcha typers form all over the world to come and join in. 

#3. Kolotibablo

  • Kolotibablo has been a long time player in this field with an experience of 5+ years. 
  • This site pay $1 for per 1000 captcha filled and many of earners have been receing a timely payment with it. 
  • The sit also rewards workers for highest accuracy while the Captcha filling job. Working with this site is quite motivational for effcient workers. 

4 #Captcha2Cash

  • The site offers a lot of Captcha filling jobs, but the payouts are very low. 
  • The site offers $1 for every 1000 images typed correctly
  • Also, withdrawl is only possible when your amount is $1. 

5 # 2Captcha

  • 2Captcha offers the best price in the market of Captcha typing jobs. The company offers $1 for every Captcha. 
  • The company also runs a reward program in which it offers bonuses for solving the complicated Captcha.
  • The rewards are not limited here; the company also offers referral bonus system in which a person joined through your reference gets you the reward point. 
  • You can easily withdrawl your money if you reach $1. The company accepts Payza. 

6 # QlinkGroup

  • QlinkGroup offers a 2 words Captcha service and those words to be filled are Case-Sensitive. 
  • To perform the task of QlinkGroup, the accuracy is much-needed.
  • Also, to receive the payment in your ID, you have to solve at least 800 such Captchas per week. 

7 # FastTypers

  • This site  takes care of the hard work of Captcha typers and provides them $1.5 for every 1000 Captchas solved successfully. 
  • The best part with this site is that the night hours have higher price; especially, from 12 am to 5 am. 
  • Not only this but, the site keeps on updating their typers with latest information through blogs. 

8 # CaptchaTypers

  • Unlike other website, this website does not follow the sign up process. 
  • For Captcha typers to work on this website, a email has to be sent on an email ID. 
  • When your email will be acknowledged, you will recieve login details with a link to get started. 
  • Working on this website is a little tough because you have to fill in the details withough timed out. If you face time out, your ID is banned for 30 minutes. 
  • The website pays a maximum rate by working between 9pm to 9am. 
  • The email link for the captcha work on website is

9 # VirtualBee

  • VirtualBee is an oldest Captch entry site with its inception in 2001. 
  • Working with this site is not that easy and hence, an evaluation test has to be given before joining it. 
  • Once you clear the test, your work quantity depends upon the scores you grab in the evaluation test ranging from 0 to 100. 
So, these were the 9 most used websites for making extra money through the online Captcha filling job without investment. 
But as you might be totally new in the field of Captcha typing, some guidance would be needed. Therefore, to fill the gap between you and your aspiration, here I have brought you with some important tips to follow before working on these sites. ​
Being a beginner, these tips could prove to be very essential for you. Make sure you follow each and every of them. ​

Tips to follow while doing the Captcha Typing Jobs

    1. Lastly, before you start, an intense research is necessary. You arerequired to visit different sites one by one tocheck whether which one is paying handsomely.
    1. With many Captcha filling websites, you have to download the software first and then log in to get started. Therefore, make sure you have met all the company credential to start working successfully.
    1. As explained many-a-time in the above mentioned paras, this is certainly an online data entry job without investment but not a job to earn a handsome amount. Therefore, keep very shallow expectations with this job if you input below 4 hours. However, if you are ready to put 4 hours daily, you monthly earning could come up as Rs 6000- 12000/- daily.
    1. While working on these monay making sites, you are needed to have your account on Payza and PayPal. Most of the companies only pay through these online modes only.

It is time to say good bye

Thanks a lot for reading till the end. I hope that I have guided you all as best as possible. But beside my research, your personal research over the topic is also necessary. So, plan your priorities that what you want and then follow the lead. 
Slowly and steadily, you will bring a great degree of increment in your earning through Captcha Job which is a type of online data entry job without investment. ​


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