Friday 28 July 2017

Babaria Media - How to lose weight fast – [Live Case study] – Target December 2017, follow my journey :)

How to lose weight fast – [Live Case study] – Target December 2017, follow my journey :)

Yes the GIF on the right is exactly shows my and your future face when it comes to how to lose weight fast. 
Hi my name is Ankur Aggarwal, and i have started this live case study for a complete body transformation - 180 day journey.​
I know this is a little offbeat topic on a blog that talks about saving and making more money, but this is very personal to me, so i thought about sharing my journey. Also, this will bring accountability and i am more likely to follow my diet and exercise regime as i know people will be expecting results. Also, if this works and people like it, I might just virtually help someone lose that weight and live a healthy life.​

how to lose weight
I will be sharing with you step-by-step what i eat, how i exercise, what tools and cheats i use to speed up my transformation.
N​ote: I am not a health guru or a body builder. Neither i am a nutritional expert, so if you decide to follow my advice and start your own body transformation, then do it at your own risk. I have to write this because after all I don't want to be help liable if something goes wrong with someone. People are very quick to put blame in India and I don't want to be on the receiving end. 
This live case study on body transformation is divided into days, so each day i will add my log , my diet, my mood and other relevant data. Also, i have started writing this case study from 15th day of following my schedule. So for the first 15 days i will just add a quick summary of what i followed, my challenges, and other stuff.
Table of Content for Quick Navigation

Who am I?

Well, you can find all about me on my About Me page.​ In short i am the owner of where i share actionable advice on various topics related to money and income. I am a digital marketer by profession. I have a liking for fitness, always have been active, but for the first time i have started this transformation training where i have set the goal for a muscular and healthy body.
With muscular i mean i will be targeting lean muscles, i am not targeting excess bulk. I am looking for  a leaner but muscular body. I hate those huge big body builders.
I am starting this transformation while been lean. I am not that fat , have a straight body type. The picture on the right is me after 12 days into the transformation.
I ​tried a similar transformation journey last year but my worklife overtook my gym life and i had to leave it after just 30 days. 
ankur aggarwal incomeboy gym
Current Weight - 72 KGS
Body type - Lean (I am not that fat so many of you might not be able to relate to me, but yes, this article is more focused towards building muscle and getting to a much lower body fat percentage)
Date of Starting the Transformation - 9th april 2017
Although it is a 180 day transformation, the APP that i have installed gives a 90 day transformation. The app is from and the trainer is Kris Grithin. We will assess the results after 90 days and then proceed for another 90 days for gaps and areas that need more time.
These 90 day transformation apps really work, it has worked for my friends and it has worked for me in the past. The only requirement is that you must follow each step diligently and don't cheat. If you cheat it will be more like stealing from your own wallet​
kris grithin
90 day transformation by Kris Grithin

Day #1 to Day #15

Well the inspiration to finally start my body transformation was always there. It is just that i was working from home for last 1 year and for me it becomes very difficult as I cannot follow a diet. Now i have started going to the office and hence following a schedule becomes easier.
I did not try anything new, I am following all the steps that are mentioned on the App. I am following the same diet, exercise regime, tips and all. Now, since Kris is in the US and hence the diet cannot be exactly followed because not everything is available here. So here are the changes that i am making:
  • I am not eating fish, only chicken breast
  • Instead of 20 minutes of light cardio i am doing 10 minutes of intense cardio 
Here are the stuff that i have purchased:
  • Protein Powder - GNC 100% whey isolate
  • Multivitamin tablets from a chemist
Note - I buy my protein powder from Guardian pharmacy stores, they are the official provider of original GNC products in india. I bought it for 7200/- (72 servings). They are the best, a little expensive. Never buy protein powder form gym instructors. Other company you can use is Neulife.
body transformation
Here is my diet schedule :
  • Morning - Apple before Gym
  • After gym - Protein powder shake, Milk + Muesli and one green tea. I also take my multivitamin tablet before starting for office
  • Brunch - I eat salad (cucumber, tomato etc)
  • Lunch - One smoked chicken breast (i Order it from Republic of chicken, it costs 196/- with ready to eat)
  • Evening - 6 Boiled egg whites and one whole boiled egg
  • Night - Brown Rice with some curry
Things i am staying away from for next 180 days:
  • Alcohol
  • Cigrates
  • Junk Food
  • Fruits - They have natural sugar so dont think you can eat fruits as much as you want

Current Challenges

  • My gym is not that great. It does not have key exercise machines. I will be changing my gym next month from 11th April as i am shifting to a new place
  • Hunger is the biggest problem. Being a rajasthani, i am always hungry. So missing the junk food a lot. Whenever i feel hungry i eat salad or some chewing gum to keep my mind off
  • Since on weekends i am not going to the office, so keeping my mind busy on weekends is difficult. Also when you meet with your friends on weekend it becomes difficult to maintain the current diet. 
After 15 days, the transformation has started showing results. I have started losing Fat from my belly. Also, my energy levels are up, I am getting less tired and less fatigued from the exercise.
I will try to keep this Live case study updated with regular documentation. You can ask any question in the comments section below.


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