Friday 28 July 2017




Welcome to Incomeboy Resource section, a curated list of all the best blogging tools and websites that I strongly recommend for successfully building and optimizing your business.
I have personally tested every recommendation on this post. Many of these listed resources are extremely critical in running my business: I have a portfolio of more than 10+ websites that make me more than $10,000/month
Before moving forward with this amazing list, an important disclosure:
Some of the links mentioned below are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you, rather even if you decide to make the purchase by directly going to these product websites you will pay the same amount. Please understand, that I have experience with all of these companies, and I recommend them because they have been extremely helpful and useful in building my business, not because of the small commission I make in case you decide to buy something. Please do not spend your money on these products, unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goal.
To help my visitors and add more value in your life, I have come up with a special offer only for visitors. After you buy the hosting by clicking the links below, my team will set up your website FREE OF COST. Yes, all you have to do is send me an email at and we will help you get your website up and running in no time. I love my visitors and this is the least that I can do for you :). Hoping to hear from you soon.
Ankur Aggarwal
Siteground - Free Fomain With Hosting

Free Domain name with hosting

The first thing before starting a website is Domain name, right. The best place to register your Domain name is Godaddy.
Although if you are starting your first website then don't register the domain name separately, rather Buy a below mentioned hosting like Siteground (recommended) or Hostgator, you will get a Free Domain name with the hosting
So this way you can save some money and you only have to pay for hosting costs, which is very cheap for the first year
Siteground Hosting

Siteground : #1 for hosting websites and Blogs

All of my 10+ websites and hundreds of my clients websites are hosted on Siteground. Why? They make it incredibly easy to get a new site up and running with their one-click automatic WordPress Blog installation.
I have tried and tested almost all hosting companies over the period of 7 years, be it godaddy, Bluehost, etc., but the real satisfaction and a smile on my face came when I shifted my website to Siteground. My website loading speed almost doubled and the traffic increased by 176% just by shifting to Siteground. That's the power of this amazing hosting.
You can host multiple websites on their Grow big plan (which, is affordable, the prices are best in the industry) so you don't need to pay more for hosting when you are ready to start another website. Almost all major and popular bloggers use Siteground and recommend this company to all.
I highly recommend using Siteground for your first website, and you can get started now at only $3.95/month, which is nothing compared to the value you are getting from this company
You will get an amazing hosting at just Rs 3,000 (I paid more than Rs 12,000 for the gogeek plan) ​
Additional features: Free domain, Free SSL certificate, Free dedicated IP, Free migration from other hosting, Super amazing customer support
Hostgator Hosting

Hostgator: #2 for hosting websites and Blogs

If there is any other hosting after Siteground that I recommend or have websites hosted on, then that is Hostgator hosting.
The company already has huge name in the industry. The performance of their hosting is on par as of Siteground. You won't be disappointed. If Siteground is not your choice, then the only option you should consider is Hostgator hosting.
You will get all the features just like Siteground, it's just that Siteground is  one step ahead in all parameters. But if siteground scares you then Hostgator should be your choice
thrive themes
Thrive Themes

Thrive Themes: You wont find better themes

You will be surprised by the quality delivered by thrive themes. Being a WordPress developer myself, and also having built hundreds of website, even I was surprised when I found out about this company: Thrive.
Today I have purchased almost all their products including, Thrive Content Builder, Thrive leads, Thrive Headline optimized and many more. But most importantly, I use their Theme: Rise thrives theme
This blog use Rise thrive theme and this brings the biggest smile on my face. Packed with amazing features (makes so many extra plugins redundant), Lightweight, ultra fast, and many more features.

Thrive Leads: Best Email Capture plugin

My Email Capture statistics increased by 95% once I moved on to Thrive Leads. Earlier i was paying more than $200/annum for Leadpages. Once I started using thrive leads which costs only $67/site (yes, no annual fees, just one time small payment for amazing returns later) I have never been happier
Packed with so many features that even you will be amazed by the quality of this plugin and will be willing be thinking of how come this plugin is so cheap compared to the value it delivers.
Email list is the most important asset for any blog or online business. Even an email list of 1,000 people can help you make more than $10,000 /annum (yes, i have dont it ). For me this investment of $67 is nothing compared to the returns i make from my email list

FREE SEO TOOLS that help me drive more than 3,000,000 visitors/month combined to all my websites


The best SEO tool on the internet right now. I cannot describe how much this tool has helped me get far in my career.
Most comprehensive data for keywords, backlinks , Competitor analysis, keyword explorer, content explorer and what not.
I can go on and on, if you are looking for one tool to handle all your SEO needs, without a second doubt take the free trial of 14 days on this product before making the decision to purchase


If any tool that comes near Ahrefs in terms of SEO then it is Semrush. The data is not as comprehensive as Ahrefs, but still the breadth of data and quality of results is at par
Although SEMrush is also used in PPC campaign and other ways, the choice is yours, you can try both of these SEO tools: Ahrefs and Semrush before purchasing the monthly membership for any one of them
Trust me without these SEO tools, getting big or building and online site will be extremely difficult.

Other SEO tools i use

Apart from Ahrefs and Semrush here is a list of all the other tools that will help you scale your online business. I use them daily and they have helped me a lot.
  • Raven Tools - 30 day free trail
  • Google Webmaster - Free - Must use
  • Google Analytics - Free - Must use
  • Yoast SEO - WordPress Plugin - Free - Must use
  • W3 total cache - Must use -Wordpress Plugin
  • Wp Smush - WordPress Plugin - Must use

Social Media Management tools that help me engage with more than 150,000 fans/day combined to all my websites


Although a paid tool, but this is by far the best social media management tool on the internet.
A little expensive and not for beginners, this tools store all your future posts and automatically schedule them according to your requirement
With features like categorization, Scheduling, Library and many more, this is the best social media management tool for advanced people who have experience with creating and managing multiple websites


This is the tool of choice for millions of newbie online bloggers or basic online website owners.
When i used buffer before shifting to Meetedgar. They have a premium plan as well, but the free version is more than sufficient and offer all the necessary features
Another alternative is using Hootsuite, they also have a nice interface. But among buffer and hootsuite, you should go for the buffer

Email Marketing tools that help me reach over 100,000 people everyday


I have tested many companies, and honeslty almost all email marketing companies are good. So i wont state any favourites.
I personally use and also like Aweber. I like the simplicity and easy navigation and management.
Aweber gives a free trial till 500 email subscribers​
For a beginner both Aweber or Mailchimp is fine. If you are looking for more advanced level of Email marketing with advanced segmenting, tagging, etc. Then check out Drip, Infusionsoft or Convertkit


I started my email marketing with mailchimp. It is simple and highly popular among beginners.
Also they offer upto 2000 members in their trial so that is an attarctive point/. But automation is for paid subscription
You can use either of aweber or Mailchimp, i have used both and both of them have given me good results.
My recommendation will be Aweber

Books that have made me Smart and a better Human Being

These books have been of immense help to me and you should read them too if you are planning to start an online business or learn about these topics in general
  • The 4-hour workweek by Timothy Ferriss
  • How to win friends and influence people - Although the title might repel you , but trust me this classic is filled with goldmine of information
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - Another must read classic
  • Rework - change the way you work forever
  • Zero to one - by peter thiel
  • The one thing by Gary Keller
Books that are currently on my Kindle
  • Elon musk : Tesla, Spacex ....
  • Unshakeable by tony Robbins - Your financial freedom playbook

Other Productivity Tools that makes my life simpler

  • Amazon Kindle:  The best book Reader. If a person is not reading books, he is missing out on so many amazing possibilities. Buy an Amazon kindle today and make drastic improvements in your life. I read over 70+ books per year and Amazon Kindle makes that job very easy
  • MacBook Pro: Although steeply priced at more than Rs 1,00,0000 (plus an addition, Rs 16,000 for extended warranty)., I won't ask you to buy this right away. But if the majority of your work takes place in front of a laptop, then MacBook pro can be the best investment you can make. Never been happier with a laptop before
  • Podcasts: My gym partners. I use Stitcher app on android to subscribe to the best podcasts that interest me and instead of listening to music, I learn while I worked as well. I am a learning freak. Podcasts are free, so make sure you utilize this channel to your advantage
  • Few of the apps that i use
    1. Evernote: All my data is stored in Evernote
    2. Wunderlist for my Todo Management
    3. A Google Analytics app for tracking and managing traffic to all my websites
    4. Quora: I don't know what would I do without Quora. I have spent countless hours on Quora

Reading these article will help you save more and make more money in the next 3 months

I have curated the best article from here and this list of articles alone will help you save more money and create a passive income source for yourself.

Share what you love, while making $1,000/month passive income

Passive Income Potential

100000 Rs Per Month - Within 3 months of blogging
Sucess rate of People who have followed my method​

What i require from you
100 %
Motivation and Dedication
Starting a blog in 2010 was the best decision that I made. I stumbled into blogging by chance and now I am making more money than what I could have made even after graduating from IIM Ahemdabad in India. So start your blog journey by checking our comprehensive Step-by-step free guide on how to start a blog and make money through it 🙂


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