Sunday 30 July 2017

Babaria Advertising and Media - 7 Things A Strong Woman Will Never Tolerate In A Relationship

7 Things A Strong Woman Will Never Tolerate In A Relationship


You’ve managed to create a relationship with the strong woman in your life who loves you, but you might be wondering how to keep her buff heart bonded to yours. It can be a daunting task to allow a strong woman all the freedom she needs to spread her wings, while making sure that her heart belongs to you alone.
This challenging balancing act is easier than it sounds as long as you can avoid some seriously unacceptable behavior. Let’s discuss 7 things that your strong woman will never tolerate in your relationship.



Disrespect is a very broad category of behavior that a strong woman will not tolerate in a relationship. You may be worrying, but how will you know if you’ve disrespected her?
Disrespect for a strong woman could be anything from telling her that she throws ‘like a girl’ to disagreeing with her opinion in a belittling way. It could be your disagreement that women deserve equal pay for equal work to your tone when you say something you thought was a compliment.
Following the Golden Rule is to treat her the way you would want to be treated. Even better than that is to treat her the way she wants to be treated. You aren’t a mind-reader, most likely, so the easiest way to avoid treating her disrespectfully is to ask her how she would like to be treated.


Control can be kinky at times in the bedroom, but when one partner totally dominates the balance of power, it puts a strong woman in a position of powerlessness, which she will never tolerate in a relationship.
Strong women know how to take the lead, when to be in control and when to be vulnerable and they can do all of it without you telling them what to do. To be in a relationship with a strong woman, you have to let her be in the drivers seat frequently.


Treat the strong woman in your relationship as your equal in every way, and if she needs your help, trust her to ask for it. Make your relationship a level playing field, regardless of your income, education, ethnicity, gender, political affiliation, social status, etc. and your strong woman will appreciate the respect that you’re giving her.


If a strong woman has already told you ‘No’ or ‘Don’t do that again’ once, you’d better be sure not to break her personal boundaries again. Women have been repressed as the weaker sex for a long time in our social norms, and as a result, strong women everywhere have had to stand up and demand that you do not tread on us.
A strong woman knows her personal limits, values, morals, and beliefs and she knows where to draw the line. Don’t push her boundaries or you will feel her anger.


Everyone can have periods of negativity and they will reject their partner’s ideas, but a strong woman will never tolerate someone who is always negative about her wonderful suggestions.


‘There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer’ – Marilyn Monroe
Do not think that a strong woman will continue to tolerate a partner who has no interest in helping her achieve her dream. For that matter, she doesn’t want you to stomp on her heart either. Be supportive of her desires or a strong woman will be looking to leave the relationship.
Researchers studying the psychological well-being of men and women in relationships found that supportive relationships are less psychologically distressful while strained relationships are associated with anxiety and distress.
Not being supported is stressful for both men and women, however, researchers also found that the strong women were more socially active than men, which meant that they would have had even higher levels of stress if they didn’t have the emotional support of their friends.


Just let it out already. In a study of women in lesbian relationships, most strong women wanted two things; independence of decision-making and communicating emotions to form a deep, intimate connection to their partner. These two qualities are also desirable in a relationship with a strong heterosexual woman as well.
Women possess higher emotional intelligence than most men do. As a result, they are able to pick up on the subtle body language, tone, and verbal cues that reveal hidden emotions.
Women are also strong because they do the majority of the emotional work in a relationship. That is, women seek to help their romantic partner to express negative emotions, understand the reasons for the feelings, and seek to help return their partner to a positive emotion.
Originally Published in Power of Positivity


Babaria Advertising and Media - Modern Study Shows That Trees are Intelligent and They Have Feelings Too


Modern Study Shows That Trees are Intelligent and They Have Feelings Too

A few people identify trees nearly as lifeless things – green things that hinder. However, a modern research has undermined this view and is demonstrating trees as having ever more noteworthy levels of modernity than previously imagined.
Ever thought of trees having feelings? Emotions? Or the fact that they communicate with each other in a very unusual way? No, right? Well, a recent study has shown that trees are very intelligent and can communicate, feel and give signals to their fellow tree friends.
Bored Panda
Yes, just like plants can see, hear, smell and feel, possibilities are, they even have memories – so do trees. It is impossible to believe at a certain point, but research has proved it all.

Here’s what researchers say about it:

“They can feel pain, [and] have emotions, such as fear. Trees like to stand close together and cuddle. They love the company and like to take things slow,” – says Peter Wohlleben, a German researcher.
“There is in fact friendship among trees,” says Wohlleben. “They can form bonds like an old couple, where one looks after the other. Trees have feelings.”
The new documentary, called ‘Intelligent Trees’, is the work of German forester, author Peter Wohlleben, and Suzanne Simard, an ecologist from the University of British Columbia.

Watch the trailer to see what’s it all about:

It is indeed fascinating and surprising to see such amazing research and the level of hard working these researchers are putting in studying these beautiful, green creations. Who knew their behavior would be similar to that of a human? But the question that arises here is that- are the trees conscious? Do they really think?
There is a still more research that needs to be put into studying the hidden life of trees and we just can’t wait to be enlightened with all the knowledge. Let us know your thoughts on this.

Babaria Advertising and Media - 256 Years Old Man Breaks The Silence Before His Death And Reveals SHOCKING Secrets To The World

256 Years Old Man Breaks The Silence Before His Death And Reveals SHOCKING Secrets To The World


What is the longest a person has ever lived for? Meet Li Ching Yuen, a man who lived an astonishing 256 years!  And no, this is not a myth or a fictional tale.
According to a 1930 New York Times article, Wu Chung-chieh, a professor of the Chengdu University, discovered Imperial Chinese government records from 1827 congratulating Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday,  and further documents later congratulating him on his 200th birthday in 1877. In 1928, a New York Times correspondent wrote that many of the old men in Li’s neighborhood asserted that their grandfathers knew him when they were boys, and that he at that time was a grown man.

Li Ching Yuen reportedly began his herbalist career at the age of 10, where he gathered herbs in mountain ranges and learned of their potency for longevity. For almost 40 years, he survived on a diet of herbs such as lingzhi, goji berry, wild ginseng, he shoo wu and gotu kola and rice wine. In 1749, at the age of 71, he joined the Chinese armies as teacher of martial arts.  Li was said to be a much-loved figure in his community, marrying 23 times and fathering over 200 children.
According to the generally accepted tales told in his province, Li was able to read and write as a child, and by his tenth birthday had traveled in Kansu, Shansi, Tibet, Annam, Siam and Manchuria gathering herbs. For the first hundred years he continued at this occupation. Then he switched to selling herbs gathered by others. He sold lingzhigoji berry, wild ginsenghe shou wu and gotu kola along with other Chinese herbs, and lived off a diet of these herbs and rice wine.

He Wasn’t The Only One

According to one of Li’s disciples, he had once encountered an even older 500-year-old man, who taught him Qigong exercises and dietary recommendations that would help him extend his lifespan to superhuman proportions. Apart from Qigong and a herb-rich diet, what else can we learn from this Master of Longevity?
How about this: On his death bed, Li famously said, “I have done all that I have to do in this world”. Could his peaceful last words also hint at one of the biggest secrets to a long and prosperous life? It’s interesting to note that in the West, we’re often taught to believe that aging is something that must be “beaten” with high tech infrared devices and state of the art medication.

His Secret To Long Health:

Li was asked what his secret was to longevity. This was his reply: “Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog.” These were the words of advice Li gave to Wu Pei-fu, the warlord, who took Li into his house to learn the secret of extremely long life.
Li maintained that inward calm and peace of mind combined with breathing techniques were the secrets to incredible longevity. Obviously, his diet would have played a large role. But its fascinating that the old living person in recorded history attributes his long life to his state of mind.

Why Is This So Hard To Believe?

With the average lifespan for the Western world currently sitting between 70-85 years, the thought of someone living over 100 years old seems like quite the stretch. The thought of someone living over 200 years old seems extremely suspicious. But why don’t we believe that people can live this long?
We have to keep in mind that some people in this world don’t live a grueling 9-5 lifestyle, they don’t have to deal with the stresses of debt, they aren’t breathing polluted city air, and they exercise regularly. They don’t eat refined sugars or flour, or any foods that have had pesticides sprayed on them. They aren’t living off of the standard American diet.
They aren’t eating fatty meats, sugary deserts, and genetically modified foods. No antibiotics. No alcohol and no tobacco. Their diets not only exclude junk foods that we so often indulge in, they also include superfoods and herbs which are like steroids for our organs and immune system.
They also spend their spare time in nature practicing breathing techniques and meditating which have been proven to improve mental, physical, and emotional health. They keep things simple, get proper sleep, and spend a great deal of time in nature under the sun. When we get a chance to relax in the sun, we feel instantly rejuvenated and call this a “vacation”. Imagine spending a lifetime doing that in the mountains, and combining that with perfect mental, spiritual, and physical well-being.
I do not doubt for a minute that if we all did the things we knew we were supposed to do, that living to be 100 years old would be commonplace. When we treat our bodies right, who knows how long we can live for?
Originally written by Steven Bancarz and published on Spirit Science and Metaphysics


Friday 28 July 2017

Babaria Media - How to make money on Instagram – [A-Z guide to $1,000/month]

How to make money on Instagram – [A-Z guide to $1,000/month]

Are you looking for how to make money on Instagram?
Well i have done that for my clients earlier and i will share with you today how to earn money from Instagram?
Instagram is an amazing place to not just get popular but also make money, let me show you how. Buckle up and follow this guide with me.
make money on instagram
Let me first tell you the earning potential from Instagram, how much can you expect to earn from this new cool social network:
  • Celebrities like Kim kardasian and miley cyrus are charging upwards of $250,000/post on instagram. Yes this is how much they can influence their followers
  • GentlemenMafia (a motivation based instagram account) charges somewhere between $500-$3000/post on their Instagram account. At the time of writing this they had approximately 1 million followers. 
You will regularly see people or mini celebrities with a decent following promoting brands and their products. They do this because they get paid for that. Apart from brand partnership there are many other ways to make money on instagram , here is a list of them:
  • Affiliate marketing - Refer your followers to a product and earn an affiliate commission
  • Shout for money: If you have a massive following then people with small instagram accounts will approach you and offer you money to give them a shoutout to your audience. This way they get more followers and you make money
  • Sell accounts: If you are a Instagram pro and are handling multiple accounts then you can also sell accounts. Few accounts with millions of followers are sold for 6-figures if you have the right niche. 
  • Sell a course: Build a course on your expertise. Like if your account is about guitar then you can create a course on teaching guitar, drive people to a landing page, collect email id, put them on a email sequence and then sell a course to make money on instagram.
how to make money from instagram
This is the most common question that is buzzing all over the world on the net and in the minds of internet savvy people. Instagram is one of the fast-growing marketing tools for the product or a service offered by a self-employed working professional or the business owner.
This is done by creating a well-maintained Instagram account dedicated towards high-quality content. The content, product, and services promoted effectively on the Instagram are something that gets affiliate marketing demand from its existing and new customer.
Hence, you can also make money online by promoting products and services on the Instagram. There are many other ways to make money as well, i will tell you all about them in this post.

Can i make money on Instagram?

Yes absolutely you can. So many people are making a killing on instagram. Some are just focused on instagram alone for their monthly income, this is the power of instagram. There have been so many sucess stories of instagrams that now i feel tired to hear a new one.
how to make money with instagram
Facebook bought this mobile photo-sharing app Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion, yes that is $1,000,000,000. At that time Instagram was just a couple of years into launch but making no money. Some made fun of Facebook for this ridiculous deal only to find out later Instagram was valued at more than $30 billion just two years later.
Just like Facebook, Instagram also makes most of its money from advertising. Although Facebook doesnt give out the revenue number for instagram, but looking at the ads that each users sees its quite substancial.
Instagram is slowly becoming the leading social media platform in the world. According to a report, majoirty of the worlds teenage population is on Instagram. Also the growth rate of Instagram is way above any other platform. It is touted to be the most popular social media platform in 2019.
Becoming the leading photo sharing app and also going into the mobiles of millions peoples has been an exceptional journey for instagram.
Now without wasting any more time, let's dive into the core issue, whats the best way to earn dollars or money with instagram?​

How to make money on Instagram? - A-z guide

Making money on any platform be it make money on Facebook or make money on youtube it requires smartness and knowledge. Do not expect to make $1,000/month just by opening an account. It takes careful drafted strategy to make money with instagram
Just like youtube, instagram celebritities , pages and high follower size people are making a killing. Brands are paying these influencers ridiculous amount (amount depends on follower count and niche of the person)​

#1. Create an attractive Instagram Account 

Select and Decide the Theme on which you will Publish your Content

This is a very important step. The niche you choose will decide the amount of money you can make. You have to know few basic but crucial points before you choose the theme of your account:
  • You have to analyze the commercial intenet behind the theme: Since you are targeting to make money from Instagram, so in the end you will have to do brand partnership and affiliate marketing to make money. So the niche should have a lot of products and companies. 
  • The niche should not be too micro : It will be difficult to gain substancial audience if your niche is too small. Even if you dominate the niche you wont be able to get to millions of subscribers and hence it will become difficult for you to monetize. 
  • The niche should not violate any TOS of Instagram : So dont choose porn or anything that shows direct nudity, you will be banned
  • Even if the niche does not have commercial intent but can easily get huge following still you can make money, but dont expect thousands of dollars. For example if you choose a niche like "Jokes" , and your page even has 500,000 followers, still it will be difficult to monetize as your audience cannot be monetized by brand partnership. So the only way left is Paid shoutouts. Even Affiliate marketing will be too difficult for you
  • Business niche are highly popular these days. Especially motivation driven niche where you can sell cources, business related products, consulting , coaching etc. 
  • Fashion
  • Fitness
  • Business
  • Make Money Online
  • Tech and Gadgets
  • Jokes
  • Gags and memes
  • Adult pics (non -nude)

Instagram Usernames - Dont take them lightly

Get yourself a creative username that is also descriptive: Once the Instagram account becomes famous people will refer to you by that name. Here are some tips for you to select the right username for your account.
  • The username created should reflect the style and theme of the content posted on the Instagram account. If you account is all about Cars then dont name it "beautiful_gadgets" rather name it something like Carmania or carzone. 
  • It should be short, simple, easy to pronounce and remember.
  • You can make it catchy like "GentlemenMafia".  
Therefore, it is imperative to select the account name that is easy to remember; descriptive memorable and easy to say out loud.

Mention your Bio with Dependable Information.

Bio is the only place where Instagram allows you to place links. This is why it becomes the most important real estate of your account. So if your Instagram strategy revolves around driving traffic to your website, landing page or any other area then this Bio link is crucial to your success.
Here are some tips for writing a clickworthy bio which has a high CTR (Click through rate)
  • The content must be concise, descriptive, and it should reflect the motives and the intention of the account holder.
  • Give the link to your website, landing page or any other link. If the link is long use for link shortening (this also helps in tracking the number of clicks), if you are on WordPress then you can use a plugin like Pretty links to create a beautiful looking custom link.
  • Place of work email address. It is worth setting up an email id on the Instagram account 
  • Usernames of the renowned social media accounts such as Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter given on the Instagram account. Do this if you are not promoting anything or are trying to increase your overall social media subscribers.
  • In the case of donations, get yourself your PayPal ID or such services mentioned on your account
  • KIK username: Now you must be wondering why do i have to create a KIK account. This is because KIK is a crucial platform in Instagram success, we will cover that later.
Here are few screenshots of the right way to create an amazing Instagram Bio:
instagram bio 2
instagram bio 3

How to Created the most amazing Instagram Images

As i mentioned earlier, quality is everything.
Dont treat Instagram like a spammers hub, where you will just steam someone else images and upload in to your account and you will get thousands of subscribers. Trust me its not that easy.
Now, you dont need to be a graphic designer to make professional looking images. All you need is some tools that i will be recommending you now.​
  • WordSwag
  • Typorama
  • Canva
  • Pablo by Buffer
By using these apps alone you would be able to create images like these:
instagram image 3
instagram image 2
instagram image 1

Fine-Tune the Posts before Publishing and give their Description.

This step is meant to make the photos mentioned on the Instagram post look aesthetically pleasing.
The Instagram account holder must make sure to give pertinent information under the description of the photo. Also, make sure editing tools are used to make the image look better. The use of filters and editing tools is a must.
If you are advertising, in that case, use a short sentence in describing the product or the service. Doing this is helpful in promoting the product or the service to the larger audience. This is followed by a call to action like "Tag a friend who ...." , "Hit like if you can relate" , "Check bio for more" etc.

Using HashTags the right way

You must post content that is related to the topic of interest you have and ensure the content does not deviate from it.
Use Hashtags that are Relevant in the Posts.If you are attempting to connect with a specific demographic then use the hash tags that are widely used or searched by the specific demographic.
It is important to use the relevant hash tags and keywords to your topic. If not done the follower might get frustrated and mark the account as spam.

#2. Build your follower base on Instagram the right way

instagram followers

Set Goal for the Number of Followers.

This should be your main strategy to make your genuine high-quality content work.In addition, most of the brands present on the Instagram prefer collaborating with user's that have more than 5000 followers and who allow them to promote their product.
post multiple times a day

Make Multiple Posts in a Day.

It is important to make sure that useless posts throughout the day do not trouble your followers. Therefore, you must make sure that your posts are interesting and catchy for the reader to read on multiple occasions in a day.
This helps in keeping the traffic on your Instagram account consistent.
  • Try to make sure your content is within its thematic scope.
  • Timing is also very important. So for this you will have to test various timing and look for the ones that are working for you. Generally trends have shown that when you post at 9:00AM, 2:00PM and 5:00PM people are more likely to check their social media and hence you might get a better engagement.

Read Your Comments for your Posts.

Users’ express themselves with the review they have written after reading your content. Sometimes the reviews can be explicitly expressed or implicitly expressed.
  • Please note you will not be able to incorporate every ones' suggestions to make your content better and impressive. Also, focus on the themes that are common from the majority of your Instagram followers.

Be active on Instagram with your Presence.

Being an active Instagram user helps you in promoting your account and likability.
  • Respond regularly to the comments on your Instagram account.
  • Once you have a large number of followers on your Instagram account, it is obvious you cannot respond to each and every one of them. However, try and answer to as many people you can.
  • Refer to your favorite posts on your Instagram account posted by brands, accounts or the users you would like to work.
  • Show love to your regular likers and commenters by messaging them and thanking them for loving your content
  • Make a "Ask me anything" image once in a while and respond to everyones comment
  • Like and comment on other peoples posts as well. Engagement and building a network is everything on instagram.
social media accounts

Use other Social Media Account to Compliment your Instagram Account.

Keep your bio page updated with the latest information about your social media accounts and relevant content.
​Promote the Account on Famous Social Media Platform
It is important to have your social media accounts linked on Instagram.
  • Facebook: Create a unique Facebook page on your account for the Instagram account. Later on, you can then promote the page on the Facebook
  • Twitter: Create a twitter account specifically for your Instagram account and promotion of the content. You have the liberty of posting Instagram content on twitter. However, you must make sincere efforts in posting genuine content on twitter.
  • Other Sites: other sites such as YouTube, Tumbler, and Pinterest will usually depend on the demographic information.
Make sure both Instagram account on social media and social media accounts on Instagram are promoted. Even if you post the link, it is good enough to promote the content on Instagram and social media sites.

Engage Followers

​In order to make sure the quality of content is not compromised and relevant on your Instagram account. Make sure you engage your followers to give feedback on your posts.
This will in return engage more people recommended by your existing follower’s base. This can bring forward positive outcome, provided your posts are genuine and interesting.
a. Give Aways: Do the give away for the services or products. In this way you can manage to attract followers to like and share your posts, making it more popular. Trick: Collaborate with any company that is in your niche and tell them that you are hosting a giveaway, they will be more than happy to give free samples , so win win for all 🙂 
b. Asking Questions: This move will encourage the followers to respond to the posts. This generates visits leading to increased interest in the content.
c. Taking Requests: If you accept, the requests on Instagram to showcase the photos this motivate the user to get involved in future reviews and share of your content.

Use Promotions.

Try hosting a giveaway on the site linked to your account on Instagram. Motivate visitors to add more people to your campaign and create a viral effect in return. Give away promised rewards.
Make sure you are well versed with the Instagram's guidelines if you host a giveaway contest.​

Listen and acknowledge the Follower Base.

​Notice a common complaint or request. Do not ignore the same; Instead, find a way to implement the follower feedback on the posts.

#3. Use Affiliate Marketing for insane revenue

Meet the Marketing Requirements.

It is important to have an interest in marketing and promote branded products and services. For doing this, one should have at least 500 hundred followers on the account.
Along with this, the marketer must have sound knowledge about the content development and post regularly. In affiliate marketing you will be required to take photos with the product before posting the same.
One must show the use of the product and display happiness and contentment while doing the same.

Follow the Brands on Instagram.

Provided you are interested in a brand, you will need to be active on their pages. This is an efficient way of educating yourself about the brand value of the product or the service, understand the type of content promoted by the brand, tone, and style of content, etc.

Like and Comment on the Posts done by the Brands.

Doing this will enable you to capture the brand attention towards you and enable you to promote your account and promote the same as the potential in promoting the product and the service.
Do not just send empty comments or questions, this can label you as a spammer. Instead, post insightful information, rich questions, feedback, this allows promoting the brand product or service marketing.

Get in touch with the Affiliate Marketing Service.

There are different websites that offer affiliate marketing services to their clients. These websites can also help you in collaborating up with the business.
Always keep in mind the brand you want to promote and capture as a client, some of these affiliate-marketing firms might be able to help you with the same.

Contact the Brand on the Social Media.

This shows that the Instagram account you have has depth and you can contact brand’s marketing departments via e-mail directly.

Practice Patience

Provided your account continues to grow constantly any brand would want to contact you for promoting the product or the service at some point. Working in marketing field requires experience with proven track record.
Therefore, in digital marketing, it might take the time to get a contract and make money via affiliate marketing. However, it is worth your effort in long-term.

Using your influence as an influencer

If you have garnered a decent fan base then approaching brands for promoted post is the right strategy. Make sure you are relevant in your niche when choosing the brand. If you are into fashion niche, then go for products related to clothes or makeup etc so that audience is targeted correctly.
Becoming an influencer can be the best thing you can do with your Instagram account.

#4. Selling the Photos to make money

Selling Famous Photos can Help Generate Revenue.

This option is not applicable on all the Instagram accounts. However, the interested parties for sale and purchase of the photo can contact people. These photos are outstanding and have the right balance and the element.

Get an App that Helps in Selling the Photos. 

There are different apps that can be downloaded from an app store. These apps generally have a huge fan base of people who download or buy an image from these apps.
a. FOAP is one of the popular apps on Android and Apple IOS. This app helps its users to find the images that they require. All you need to do is create an account and upload the images on the app and when the image comes to the buyers notice, the sale is done.

Create Segmented content of Photos of Premium and Stock Photographs.

Make sure you segment the photos in your app account as premium photos and the lower quality photos. The lower quality photos are often used by the businesses and websites for the advertising purpose.
It is recommended that you sell your high-quality photos via your Instagram account to the individual buyers at a premium price. This is where a large fan base comes into place.

Watermark the Premium Photographs.

It is important to protect the photo from being stolen. Therefore, make sure you upload a lower resolution, watermarked photo instead of a premium photo.
Make sure you have the original copies of the photos for the distribution purpose.
a. Provided there is a follower interested in a genuine deal, you can then send the follower the invoice and un-watermarked version of the photo.
b. Make sure you place a price tag on the premium photograph.

Promote your Own Business Enterprise.

If you have your own business enterprise that offers products and services then you can use your Instagram account to promote the same.
a. Add Behind the Scene Photos: These are photos that show you and your workforce making necessary preparations in making the products or designing the services. This adds the credibility factor.
b. Customer Photo's: Add photos that belong to the customers who are using the products or the services. Happy customer photos with the positive review help in promoting the business among the large audience that can become a potential client.

Sell your Instagram Account

If you had enough of using the Instagram then you can always sell your Instagram account for a reasonable price tag. 
People Making Money on Instagram Worldwide.

Make Money on Instagram Infographic (or Gifographic)

make money on Instagram gifographic infographic

Share this Image On Your Site

There are many people who are living their life large as social media celebrities and getting paid well for promoting products and services of brands online to their large fan base.
One of the famous examples is Daniel Bernstein who has Instagram account “WeWoreThat”.
Bernstein charges brands a sum of $10,000-$20,000 per brand to expose her 1.4 million fan base as potential clients.

Also, social media celebrities that have a larger fan following are getting $50,000 per brand to expose their millions of fan followers.
Below mentioned is the list of international famous Instagram account holders who get paid high volume money every year by the brands.
  • Song of Style – Creator Aimee Song – Followers 3.4 million.
  • Sincerely Jules – Creator Julia Sarinana – Followers 3.4 million.
  • Luanna90 - Creator Lua - Followers 2 million
  • WeWoreThat - Creator Daniel Bernstein - Followers 1.4 million.
  • Fun For Louis -Creator Louis Cole- Followers 1.3 million.
  • Wendy's LookBook - Creator Wendy Nguyen - Followers 934K million.
  • Gal Meets Glam - Creator Julia Engel - Followers 848K million.
  • Chriselle Lim - Creator Chriselle Lim - Followers 611K million.
Below mentioned is the list of the India celebrities with a high fan base and potential to generate income from the Instagram account.
  • Sunny Leone - Creator Bollywood actress Sunny Leone with 9 million followers.
  • Salman Khan - Creator Bollywood actor Salman Khan with 9.2 million followers.
  • Virat Kohli - Creator Famous sports celebrity Virat Kohli with 12.3 million followers.
  • Aliaa Bhatt - Creator Famous young Bollywood celebrity Alia Bhatt with 14.5 million followers.
  • Deepika Padukone - Creator Deepika Padukone an international celebrity from India with 16.4 million followers.
  • Chetan Bhagat - Creator Renowned author and Publisher popular for his writing in India with a modest 202K followers.
Social media influence and follower count is an important metric for any brand or company to calculate the price and selecting any celeb for the partnership.

Get Sponsors Attention on your Instagram Account.

The best way to get the attention from the brands to sponsor your Instagram account is by having the biggest fan base and the most attractive and trendy Instagram account.
Besides this, if you are a popular Instagram account holder and do not have the sponsors yet.
Then you can take the help from the businesses that specialize in getting sponsors to the account holders.
One such online business is Go Snap that is known well for getting sponsors to the biggest influencers on the Instagram with a large fan base.
Now after sharing such useful and elaborate information on how to make money on Instagram, the least i can ask is for you to share this post with your friends or female companion who might be looking for this information. So kindly share this article and get some good karma points in the eyes of god :D


Babaria Media - How to earn money from Facebook- Easiest guide to make 1,00,000/month

How to earn money from Facebook- Easiest guide to make 1,00,000/month


How to earn money from Facebook is the question you ask generally when you hear of people who have made a lot of money through it.

It comes as a shocker to you that this just-social-networking website became a pro-money earner and you were still busy in commenting and liking the posts of friends and family.
how to make money from facebook
​By the way, you are never too late to start something new and it is the time for you to start earning through Facebook. 
Moreover, a proverb that could get you motivated is - It is better to be late than sorry!!
​Come let us discuss some of the interesting and easy ways to start earning through FACEBOOK. 
How to make money from Facebook- 7 Ways to guide you
Steve Wozniak
Co-Founder of Apple Inc.
Wherever smart people work, Doors are unlocked
Smart People!
I am calling them smart because they used Facebook smartly rather than as a social networking site.
In fact, i would also suggest you to be smart to let your social networking account convert into a money magnet account. Once you follow our steps, the results will be easier and quicker to achieve.
Well, do not worry. Here comes 7 most powerful and 100% working  ideas to make money online with FB. 
I hope, i will soon receive a thankyou note from you 😉

​#1- Your Facebook page can make you earn bounties

Do you have a Facebook page with more than enough followers?
If you have, then have you ​ever thought that it could be a great source to make money through Facebook?
I guess, you have not because if you have thought so, you would have been among some of the top earners.
But why wait now? If you have a page with high numbers of followers, let  that page be converted into an earning page for you.
How to make money from facebook
Come up with latest news and ideas to attract the interest of people around you. Once you are clear that your approach is going in the right direction, slowly and steadily convert it into a fruitful business and let the buyers of the business come from the followers of that page. ​

Tips to follow the Idea #1

  • Hunt for a niche- This start by hunting for a niche which will help you gain the attention of readers. Now, make an attractive profile and bring followers to it.
  • Start publishing the content- Once you are done searching the niche, start publishing the content for the page. The content will help to let the interest of followers be inclined towards a common topic.
  • Make regular updates and relationship building- regularly keep updating the page with latest new information about the business you are targeting. With the regular updates, keep the reader interaction at the fullest.  
  • Understand the issues of readers (future buyers)- Once you communicate with the readers (future prospective buyers), you come along with their issues. So, keep on communicating with followers to understand their common problems, concerns so that you an target them later.
  • Make extra money using affiliate programs- While you have this successful page with a huge number of followers, why let that get wasted. You can join affiliate programs from Amazon, CJ, etc. to make more money.

​#2- Create offers for you products on FB and sell online to make money 

If you know that you have a list of trusted followers who would do anything as per your demand, why would you not use their trust in you to promote and sell your business services. 
For example, whether you have your own products or you are serving for affiliate programs for the portals like Amazon and all, you can put up offers on your page and let the people buy products from those links. 
NOTE: This does not mean you start promoting high commission crap products. Always be genuine to your followers. If you are good to your followers, they will be happy to purchase the product from your link. Trustworthiness is the key here, never break their trust.​
While your followers will visit through your provided link, you will make money through it. 
There are many eCommerce websites, which are providing paid links. These paid links if accessed from your page would make commissions for you. ​Some of the eCommerce portals which are offering such services are Snapdeal, Flipkart, Amazon, etc.  

Tips to follow the Idea #2

  • Design attractive offers- While you aim to grab the attention of your followers to buy that certain offer, you will require to design it well. ​
  • Talk in numbers- Whenever you are posting offers on your page, make sure the posts talk in number. The discount offers like 10% off, 15% off with grab the eyeball of people looking for discounts. 
  • Take the paid promotion from Facebook- There are many organic ways to promote on Facebook but still, if you want quick earning, you can promote these offers with paid promotion tactics from Facebook. 
  • Take the help of FB influencers- If you feel that this in alone is not your cup of tea then take the help of Facebook influencers. They will help you promote offers on a big level. 

#3- Become a Facebook freelance marketer

There is a new trend in the market to earn money from Facebook which is all about earning the money by becoming the Freelance Marketer.
The current estimated earning of a freelance Facebook marketer goes up to $50 per hour but only for the skilled candidates. Therefore, upgrade your level from amateur user to a Pro user so that you can leverage the benefit.

Tips to follow the idea #3

  • Have skills to analyze the Facebook stats- To make money by becoming a Facebook marketer will need the skills to analyze and put correct estimations about the stats. You would require to be highly comprehensive about which type of post will work best with which type of audience. 
  • Must acquire the ability of making strategies- While you are a pro in the feild of Facebook marketintg, this will be a kids' play for you. But if you are just a beginner, make sure you have skills of decision making and developing strategies. 
  • Must have great skills to plan outstanding campaign- Being an effective marketer, planning an upbeat campaign will not be a matter of hassle for you. But if you are a learner, you must acquire that skill soon. you must know that a campaign with good ROI in the end will be a cherry on the cake. 
  • Must build Facebook freindly content- As a freelance marketer. the ultimate skill that you require is to have propery knowledge of making Facebook-friendly content. You must know that small content within 40 characters are more likely to be engaged. 

#4- Earn money be making Facebook Apps

Might you have seen many Facebook apps and games but have you ever realize that those apps and games have made people rich.
Well, if you have not, then spare your attention towards it. There is another way of hunting bounties without any much of efforts. ​
Making apps and then applying banner ads will quickly make your rich. So, think of the idea and get started. Time is running!

Tips to follow idea #4

  • Think of an idea for the app- Before you think that you would launch your app and will earn in dollars, here comes the task of making an app, which will initially require a thought process. Therefore, come up with an idea which is different and never have been used. 
  • Perform the development- Once you have an idea for the app, get that developed. You can be your developer or can call for the professional developer. A professional developer would bring qulaity in your apps.
  • Apply the relevant banner ads- Once your app is ready, you can add banner ads on your app. These could be of virtual goods of your own services or others. 
  • Promote your app to the fullest- How your banner ads will be clicked depends upon how much people will see your app. Therefore, make sure you popularize the app to the fullest. You can promote the app in  FB groups, pages, etc. 

#5- Become a Facebook influencer to quote the price of your skills

This idea number 4 actually tells that your hard work on building your Facebook profile will not go in waste. There is another way with which you can make easy passive income by doing nothing. 
In here, you can make use of the number of followers  on your profile to sign up as an Influencer on many portals like ​ and This would be your basic step to earn through your fan following of Facebook. 
What you can do is to sign-up with such website and quote your price for your Facebook post.
Wait for the handsome amount to be paid to you. ​

Tips to follow the idea #5

  • Get decent likes and comments on your wall post- To put the foundation of a rich and earning influencer, what you would require are decent likes and comments on your wall post. Once you manage to get so, you would be a money making  influencer soon. 
  • Search for authenticate websites- While you have this aim of making money through becoming an influencer, you would need to register with one such websites. Therefore, research a bit to get reference for website like, etc. 
  • Sign-up with the websites to create an influencing profile- Once you are done searching the names of some of such websites, here comes the task of making an influential profile for the same. Make sure you fill in genuine information.
  • Fix your rate for the per Facebook Post- Once you are done craeting your profile, the final task involves setting up the price for your per Facebook post. If you write outstandingly by emphasizing the brand and its services, you are an earning contender. 

#6- Use your group to earn money

In the list of ideas of how to earn from Facebook, idea #6 tells about utilizing your Facebook group as your worthy weapon to earn the money. With a Facebook group of more than thousands of followers, you can use that group to bring better engagement in one's brand.
You can use your group to put up relevant surveys about the brand, questionnaires, Blogs, etc. The proper engagement with readers will do great with the business. In revert, good business will generate a good revenue for you- as a business marketer as well as a brand if you are.  

Tips to follow idea #6

  • Make a group and add more than 10K member- To have a group to start earning money through Facebook, you will require to have a group more than 10K members. If you have a group like that, it is good, otherwise, take some time and make one. 
  • Arrange pole and surveys- A group with 10K people is a great asset that can be used to bring poles and surveys for the brand. So, use your group wisely and get the paid surveys done. These paid surveys will solve your queries of how to make money from Facebook. 
  • Apply to affiliate marketing on group- Affiliate marketing these days is a bounty earner and if you have a group with more than 10K member, you became applicable to perform this tactic. In here, you can help any brand sell their products through affiliate marketing and hence, earn money with Facebook. You can make money using Facebook $100+ a day. 
  • Keep sponsored content quality the best- While you try to attract the readers with your outstanding writing skills, make sure you content is up to the mark and qualitative. Further, it should be genuine because a genuine content and review will strengthen the members and a bad content will decrease in the amount of members. 

#7- Hunt the Facebook and become bug bounty hunter to earn money

This idea will not be applicable to all, though. Still there are many geeks and coders who can use this tactic to earn money from Facebook.
But as easy as it seems, it is not at all. It would require a lot ​of effort because Facebook is already designed by professionals and  hunting bugs will not be an easy task. So, apply all your coding aesthetics and intellects to search bugs which could earn you bounties.
FYI, since the start-up of this program in 2011, it has paid almost $5 million to the bounty hunters. This latest stats about the Facebook Bug Bounty is all true and it should get you motivated to learn code and earn through bounty hunting.
What's up? Ready to get geeky??​
Paid reward of Facebook Bug Bounty Hunter from 2011 to 2016
$ 5 Million Total Bounty Paid till 2016

Tips to follow idea #7

  • Learn about Facebook Bug Bounty Hunting: To make money using Facebook $100+ a day is not a big deal with the concept of Facebook Bug Bounty hunting. But as this whole concept requires a lot of brain and coding knowledge, it is not a childs-play. Therefore, if you are taking this task of hunting bug on Facebook, learn what it is all about. Here is an easy guide of Facebook Bug Bounty Hunter. 
  • Read some books of pro hackers- As bug hunting somewhere includes targeting the website, you must read some of the books of professional hackers. Once you will understand the threat then only you can search the threat to provide solution. So, this whole process might eat your time and brain. But the reward will be priceless. 
  • Read about the other winners of bug bounty program- Sometimes, what you cannot learn from yourself is taught by others. So, if you are willing to crack the program, you can also learn about some of the previous winner and their journey of hunting. The success story will definitely help you with. 
  • Do not always expect millions- Bug hunting pays well but not always. The paid amount depends upon the credibility of the bug. Therefore, the amount of the bug bounty program may vary from $1 to $n million (n is the positive real number) depending upon the type of bug hunt. So, despite of keeping the expectation to earn millions, you must aim to hunt big bug. That will fetch you satisfactory amount. 
Now i hope you found some amazing information regarding how to make money on facebook. Now i will become selfish and ask you for a favor: Can you give gift me a world tour :D. I am kidding, please share this article on your social media and help educate your friends about this new and amazing way to make money.

Earn money from Facebook Infographic

make money facebook infographic


Babaria Media - How to save money in India – 21 absolutely amazing ways

How to save money in India – 21 absolutely amazing ways

Have you ever heard the lyrics of Cheap Thrills, " I don't need no money!"
Well, I have heard the song  but I have never agreed to its gist. I mean who does not want money- I do; in fact, you all do need the same. 
To make money in India, you just don't need to earn more, you can learn how to save money in india as well​
how to save money india
I love making money and saving money (after all i am a baniya 😀 Aggarwal ). ​In fact, if I am put on a research table to know what runs in my mind- it would be, " I need money."
So, if you say that you do not need money, then either you are a Sant (Saint), devoid of all the basic needs of a human life, or you are just not a human!
Jokes Apart! Let us come at the basic gist of ​this article that revolves around the saving of every single penny which in the future could prove to be beneficial as you want.
Do not go anywhere and stick your eyes onto here. There are some of the interesting and truly-working money saving tips that are shared here. ​
Watch Out! Here comes the First!
I would here divide the whole concept in Two Ways- Saving smartly in household chores and Saving by making smart financial decisions​.

Saving smartly in household chores

​As the category defines itself, here we will discuss about the money saving tips in the household chores. This section is important for women, though. However, men could also spare their attention towards this category.

#1. Call off all the impromptu outside breakfast, lunch and dinners- No McD, No Pizza Hut

Seems quite tough but this is the least which you can start with. All these impromptu dinners and lunches outside the home cost you a lot. You not only spend Twice or Thrice than your normal fooding expenses, you also end up earning loads of calories. Therefore, spending in Pizza Hut for once in a month is Okay, but going weekly is like crushing your money savings in pieces. 
save money india

Eating outside kills money and gives calories!! What you want to choose?
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#2. Shop with a list- shopping without a list always pushes you to buy unneeded

This happens mostly with women that they go for shopping to buy cutlery and they come back with whole new bunch of other kitchen essentials. So, basically, women go with what they find pretty to their eyes.
Therefore, this is what we are required to avoid. We are required to make a list of necessary items (necessary here means actually necessary items without which kitchen is incomplete).
Also, in this quest, make you check whole of your kitchen and household for the lacking necessities. If there is something which is actually needed to buy, list it; otherwise, leave it.

Impulsive buying is key to wrecked finances! 
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#3. Start extreme couponing- You might buy your grocery all-free

how to save money in india every month
While I was young, I watched a TV series named as ​Extreme couponing. In the series, I had seen many families buying groceries with coupons collected through online hunting and Walmart shopping. The extremely amusing fact was that they used to shop their monthly grocery almost free with the coupons they had collected. 
But earlier, as I had a brain sizing nut, I did not get the fact behind it. I thought that It was all -scripted and hence, false. However, when I actually researched the fact when I grew up, I was shocked.
As they say that necessity is the mother of invention, I researched a lot and had found that it works!
Since then and now, I am a big of Extreme couponing and I never let the chance go. ​ In fact, I am also prompting you all to be a follower of extreme couponing. But as this involves a lot of research, keep an open eye on the coming coupons and deals to save it off.

Hunt the coupons to hunt big budgeted discounts on grocery shopping!
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#4. Shop online to get discounts and deals- Use the promotional tactics of companies 

​With an air of digitization all around, everyone in India is turning into an online consumer of all types of services. Well, quite a big step and one of the easiest money saving tips. Therefore, if you are still living in the old world of cash give and take, buckle up. The time zone of yours needs to be changed. Try using online services for buying, selling and paying the expenses for the commodities.  
There are many websites like Paytm, etc. which give massive discounts and offers to use them as your payment channel. 
But as you might be all new in the field of online shopping, there are many of the websites which are ready to guide you through. Take your toddler steps with them.
  • Browser add-ons like  Makkhi Choos will automatically tell you about the latest deals and difference of same prices in multiple websites. 
  • Websites like Cashkaro and Gopaisa will allow you to track down the additional benefits. 
  • With the e-commerce and Payment Wallets like Paytm, Freecharge, Mobiwik, etc., you can get discounts on your shopping and recharges. 

#5. ​Avoid the sparkly lure of Buy 2 Get 1 Free offers- You generally waste extra money

Whenever there is offer of Buy 2 Get 1, all of generally fall in the same pit of paying extra without any need. If I have to put the same situation is a few simple words then, you pay extra by getting lured with such offers.
In simple words, if you need one jean, why would you pay for two when you do not need that extra pair. The money which you are using to buy that extra jean could be utilized in any other way by buying the extra essential things for home.
Buy 2 Get 1 Free is a trap to lure you people to pay for the third without any intention to buy it. ​
It is just our human tendency that we forget to do maths, when it is needed. ​Also, this is not enough. We thoroughly pat ourselves proudly because we have banged up a deal. But who knows the utter reality that the deal has silently banged us.
how to save money in india

#6. Save electricity to save unseen expenses

This our royal habit that we want fan and AC both working together. We know that AC itself is capable of cooling the whole atmosphere around but still we need the fan to be running.
So, factually what we are doing- we are wasting the electricity and hence, the money which is to be paid at its place. Therefore, it would be a wise man's step to save as much as electricity as you could. Every single unit that you would save everyday would make a huge saving interms of money after a few month. You can then realize that you have literally saved a lot. 
money saving tips india

Tips to save the electricity bills

  • LED lights are the latest technology; replace all the fluorescent lights with it. 
  • When you are not using, let all the lights, fans and equipment be off. 
  • Plan for natural lights in the daytime, it will save  a lot of electricity in that was to be used in the daytime. 
  • If ironing the cloths for office, make sure you have ironed all of the clothes one time. This will save electricity as well as your efforts. 
  • While leaving the house, make sure you cross check all the equipment twice. Switch them off and then leave the house. 

Saving by making smart financial decisions​.

​Now, in the first category, we have learnt to save money in the household chores. There comes the next category to save money outside the house by making some smart financial decisions. 

#6. ​Avoid using the plastic money- You do not have control on how much you are spending

This is a bitter truth but it is. When we pay through the credit cards and debit cards, we generally do not realize that how much we are spending.
It is just like, "Ohh! need to pay the bills, just Swipe, swipe, swipe!" With type of paying, we do not realize that we even paid for non-essential items and we are still swiping.
However, when we have the real cash and we count to give it to others, our brain automatically stops us informing us that we are loose spending the money. Then our brain very well knows that what is essential to buy and what is not.
Therefore, whenever you go outside, keep the limited amount of money in your pocket. This is one of the ultimate money saving tips.
The real notes notify you that they are getting spent!
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#7. ​Put a stop on your smoking and drinking habits- Every time you smoke, you burn a note

If you are a drinker and smoker both, you must be facing the hard time to save up the extra pennies. Am I right?
Absolutely, I am!
The tip here says that if you would limit your smoking and drinking habit, you are likely to save  lot. Now, generalize this in whole- when you buy drinks, you generally buy something to eat with​ and when you buy something to you choices are diversified. 
best way to save money in india
Therefore, in this chain, one expense leads to other, and hence, you ultimately spend a lot.
So, to keep such extra expense at the verge, quite drinking and smoking. Quitting these ​will not only save up your money but will also save your liver, kidney and respiratory tract.

To track the success report

To track your success report in saving the extra pennies, make sure you put the money of cigarette and drink in a piggy bank when every time you urge to buy them. After one month is over, break the piggy bank and see how much you have saved. You will be happy of what you have just did. 
Buy 1 and Get 2 offer- quite smoking and drinking and save money and health both!!
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#8. ​Make investments- The invested money is more likely to save

Do not save what is left after Spending. But spend what is left after Saving
Warren Buffet
American business magnet, Philanthropist and investor
Indeed a great quote by Philanthropist and investor, Warren Buffet. But do you know how many of us follow this quote- none.
However, in the reality, this should be our first and foremost thinking since the moment we are introduced with money. If we learn to save yet, we would be able to handle any of the situation very aptly.
As they say that, so you sow, you reap! While you would invest the money in the present, you would have a great financial back-up in the near future.
Therefore, start investing all your earnings smartly. But investment here does not mean that you would invest on share market and wait for quick profits. Investment has a technique​ which should be followed efficiently to reap the future benefits. Most importantly, the investment that you are making should be on a long term basis.

The Stock market is a device for transferring money from the patient to impatient. 
Warren Buffet
Investor & Philanthropist
Tips for investment

  • Invest in mutual fund with long durations
  • Do not invest in short term mutual funds; SIPs are the best solutions. 
  • Always put 10% in short term plans and 90% in long term investments.
  • Always research top mutual funds before actually i investing into them. 
  • If you are thinking to invest in a way that it has medical benefits too, you can invest in health insurance policies. These policies give 80D benefits in income tax slab. 
  • Further, if you want a reasonable amount of money growth with proper risk cover and income tax benefits then, try investing into insurance policies. 
​Set yourself a budget every month- You should not go beyond your capacity

#9. ​Set yourself a budget every month- You should not go beyond your capacity

indian money saving
We all have heard this idiom saying, "Cut your dress according to your cloth." But have we ever pondered over it. No! Never! I guess we did not feel like giving it much attention.
Dear friends, this is the point where we made the mistake. Actually, this should be our first concern that ​how much we want to spend and how much resources we have. Once we start planning according the resources we have, we will save a lot- whether it is about money, time or anything else in the world. 
Therefore, to start comprehensively, always plan your budget first. Once you are done planning with your budget, there will be an ease of handling all the expenses according what you earn.  ​
Moreover, there will come a point where, this budget limiting will lead you to save money. Once you would learn this by yourself, you will be capable of explaining how to save  money to your youngsters as well.

#10. Save income tax the smart way

Income tax or any kind of tax takes a significant portion of your income every month and year. People think that saving money starts after giving the income tax and then thinking of strategies and best way to save money. But what if you can save money on your income tax.
You need to educate yourself on strategies and ways to save income tax to save an enormous amount of money from your total income. I have written a comphensive post on saving income tax and I cover many ways, methods and smart strategies that can be extremely helpful for you, check it out: (add link)
Agents from banks and other policy agents will try to sell you stuff that makes them the biggest commission. They don't care about your income tax and your saving needs. They just care about their commission, so be smart and save your income tax today. ​

Other Money Saving Tips in India

#11. Switching from Postpaid to Prepaid mobile plan

Postpaid looks very attractive with added benefits and you feel like a king in the world, but trust me you end up spending more.
If you are a heavy user then its fine for you, but for moderate users, prepaid plans are much cheaper compared with postpaid plan. Also, since the launch of Reliance JIO and telecom war, companies are coming up with some amazing, amazing offers to lure customers into not switching to JIO.
Now ​the prepaid plans are offering what was earlier offered to postpaid plans. Unlimited calling, unlimited SMS, unlimited this and that and just pay for the data. So if you are still stuck on postpaid, switch right now to prepaid plan.

#12. Use credit cards to your advantage

Although credit cards are looked upon as a sneaky way to spend more. People generally end up spending a lot more because of the money being plastic in nature. I am a heavy user of credit cards, and if done right, you can save a lot of money using credit cards
I have wr​itten an elaborate article on choosing the best credit card and how to save a lot of money every month, check the article: (add link)
You can easily save from Rs500-1500/month using credit cards. Caution: It takes temperament for using credit cards the right way to save money. ​

#13. Read books - Yes this can be helpful as well

I love my kindle (I have mentioned all the tools that help me make money in this article, I tools) and I have learned the best and most helpful   knowledge from books.
I read  books on all the topics, from blogging, life, investment, saving money, making more money, fiction, non-fiction and many more. By reading the experiences of others and learning from the experts, I discover new strategies and ways to make and save more money.
Through, the target is to pass on that knowledge to all of you. But reading books will definitely help you make better financial choices
Now you guys must be wondering, he promised 21 tips, but he has only delivered the top and best 13 ways to save money, what about the other 8. Worry not, even if you cover these 13 ways to save money even then you are good to go. If you are done with these 13 then you can send me an email and I will personally share with you the cheat sheets, hidden tactics I use to save more money. But before that, follow these 13 listed tactics and send me a thank you email for sharing  these wonderful tactics with you. 
​The final take - 
Money is one of that essential commodity that helps in earning all the amenities of the world. But when you do not manage it perfectly, it miss-manages your life. Therefore, it would be good that you start managing the money well, which is only possible when start saving it. 
In this article, we discussed those money saving tips and I guess you are very well clear of the perspective behind how to save money.
Lastly, I would like to bid adieu with this motivational and eye opening phrase - 
"It is not about how much money you make; It is about how much money you save!!"
If you learned anything new in this article, kindly share this article with your friends and help them save more money as well. Sharing this article might help you look like a knowledgeable financial consultant to your friends :D, just kidding share it only if you learned anything new.


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