Friday 28 July 2017

Babaria Media - How to earn money from Facebook- Easiest guide to make 1,00,000/month

How to earn money from Facebook- Easiest guide to make 1,00,000/month


How to earn money from Facebook is the question you ask generally when you hear of people who have made a lot of money through it.

It comes as a shocker to you that this just-social-networking website became a pro-money earner and you were still busy in commenting and liking the posts of friends and family.
how to make money from facebook
​By the way, you are never too late to start something new and it is the time for you to start earning through Facebook. 
Moreover, a proverb that could get you motivated is - It is better to be late than sorry!!
​Come let us discuss some of the interesting and easy ways to start earning through FACEBOOK. 
How to make money from Facebook- 7 Ways to guide you
Steve Wozniak
Co-Founder of Apple Inc.
Wherever smart people work, Doors are unlocked
Smart People!
I am calling them smart because they used Facebook smartly rather than as a social networking site.
In fact, i would also suggest you to be smart to let your social networking account convert into a money magnet account. Once you follow our steps, the results will be easier and quicker to achieve.
Well, do not worry. Here comes 7 most powerful and 100% working  ideas to make money online with FB. 
I hope, i will soon receive a thankyou note from you 😉

​#1- Your Facebook page can make you earn bounties

Do you have a Facebook page with more than enough followers?
If you have, then have you ​ever thought that it could be a great source to make money through Facebook?
I guess, you have not because if you have thought so, you would have been among some of the top earners.
But why wait now? If you have a page with high numbers of followers, let  that page be converted into an earning page for you.
How to make money from facebook
Come up with latest news and ideas to attract the interest of people around you. Once you are clear that your approach is going in the right direction, slowly and steadily convert it into a fruitful business and let the buyers of the business come from the followers of that page. ​

Tips to follow the Idea #1

  • Hunt for a niche- This start by hunting for a niche which will help you gain the attention of readers. Now, make an attractive profile and bring followers to it.
  • Start publishing the content- Once you are done searching the niche, start publishing the content for the page. The content will help to let the interest of followers be inclined towards a common topic.
  • Make regular updates and relationship building- regularly keep updating the page with latest new information about the business you are targeting. With the regular updates, keep the reader interaction at the fullest.  
  • Understand the issues of readers (future buyers)- Once you communicate with the readers (future prospective buyers), you come along with their issues. So, keep on communicating with followers to understand their common problems, concerns so that you an target them later.
  • Make extra money using affiliate programs- While you have this successful page with a huge number of followers, why let that get wasted. You can join affiliate programs from Amazon, CJ, etc. to make more money.

​#2- Create offers for you products on FB and sell online to make money 

If you know that you have a list of trusted followers who would do anything as per your demand, why would you not use their trust in you to promote and sell your business services. 
For example, whether you have your own products or you are serving for affiliate programs for the portals like Amazon and all, you can put up offers on your page and let the people buy products from those links. 
NOTE: This does not mean you start promoting high commission crap products. Always be genuine to your followers. If you are good to your followers, they will be happy to purchase the product from your link. Trustworthiness is the key here, never break their trust.​
While your followers will visit through your provided link, you will make money through it. 
There are many eCommerce websites, which are providing paid links. These paid links if accessed from your page would make commissions for you. ​Some of the eCommerce portals which are offering such services are Snapdeal, Flipkart, Amazon, etc.  

Tips to follow the Idea #2

  • Design attractive offers- While you aim to grab the attention of your followers to buy that certain offer, you will require to design it well. ​
  • Talk in numbers- Whenever you are posting offers on your page, make sure the posts talk in number. The discount offers like 10% off, 15% off with grab the eyeball of people looking for discounts. 
  • Take the paid promotion from Facebook- There are many organic ways to promote on Facebook but still, if you want quick earning, you can promote these offers with paid promotion tactics from Facebook. 
  • Take the help of FB influencers- If you feel that this in alone is not your cup of tea then take the help of Facebook influencers. They will help you promote offers on a big level. 

#3- Become a Facebook freelance marketer

There is a new trend in the market to earn money from Facebook which is all about earning the money by becoming the Freelance Marketer.
The current estimated earning of a freelance Facebook marketer goes up to $50 per hour but only for the skilled candidates. Therefore, upgrade your level from amateur user to a Pro user so that you can leverage the benefit.

Tips to follow the idea #3

  • Have skills to analyze the Facebook stats- To make money by becoming a Facebook marketer will need the skills to analyze and put correct estimations about the stats. You would require to be highly comprehensive about which type of post will work best with which type of audience. 
  • Must acquire the ability of making strategies- While you are a pro in the feild of Facebook marketintg, this will be a kids' play for you. But if you are just a beginner, make sure you have skills of decision making and developing strategies. 
  • Must have great skills to plan outstanding campaign- Being an effective marketer, planning an upbeat campaign will not be a matter of hassle for you. But if you are a learner, you must acquire that skill soon. you must know that a campaign with good ROI in the end will be a cherry on the cake. 
  • Must build Facebook freindly content- As a freelance marketer. the ultimate skill that you require is to have propery knowledge of making Facebook-friendly content. You must know that small content within 40 characters are more likely to be engaged. 

#4- Earn money be making Facebook Apps

Might you have seen many Facebook apps and games but have you ever realize that those apps and games have made people rich.
Well, if you have not, then spare your attention towards it. There is another way of hunting bounties without any much of efforts. ​
Making apps and then applying banner ads will quickly make your rich. So, think of the idea and get started. Time is running!

Tips to follow idea #4

  • Think of an idea for the app- Before you think that you would launch your app and will earn in dollars, here comes the task of making an app, which will initially require a thought process. Therefore, come up with an idea which is different and never have been used. 
  • Perform the development- Once you have an idea for the app, get that developed. You can be your developer or can call for the professional developer. A professional developer would bring qulaity in your apps.
  • Apply the relevant banner ads- Once your app is ready, you can add banner ads on your app. These could be of virtual goods of your own services or others. 
  • Promote your app to the fullest- How your banner ads will be clicked depends upon how much people will see your app. Therefore, make sure you popularize the app to the fullest. You can promote the app in  FB groups, pages, etc. 

#5- Become a Facebook influencer to quote the price of your skills

This idea number 4 actually tells that your hard work on building your Facebook profile will not go in waste. There is another way with which you can make easy passive income by doing nothing. 
In here, you can make use of the number of followers  on your profile to sign up as an Influencer on many portals like ​ and This would be your basic step to earn through your fan following of Facebook. 
What you can do is to sign-up with such website and quote your price for your Facebook post.
Wait for the handsome amount to be paid to you. ​

Tips to follow the idea #5

  • Get decent likes and comments on your wall post- To put the foundation of a rich and earning influencer, what you would require are decent likes and comments on your wall post. Once you manage to get so, you would be a money making  influencer soon. 
  • Search for authenticate websites- While you have this aim of making money through becoming an influencer, you would need to register with one such websites. Therefore, research a bit to get reference for website like, etc. 
  • Sign-up with the websites to create an influencing profile- Once you are done searching the names of some of such websites, here comes the task of making an influential profile for the same. Make sure you fill in genuine information.
  • Fix your rate for the per Facebook Post- Once you are done craeting your profile, the final task involves setting up the price for your per Facebook post. If you write outstandingly by emphasizing the brand and its services, you are an earning contender. 

#6- Use your group to earn money

In the list of ideas of how to earn from Facebook, idea #6 tells about utilizing your Facebook group as your worthy weapon to earn the money. With a Facebook group of more than thousands of followers, you can use that group to bring better engagement in one's brand.
You can use your group to put up relevant surveys about the brand, questionnaires, Blogs, etc. The proper engagement with readers will do great with the business. In revert, good business will generate a good revenue for you- as a business marketer as well as a brand if you are.  

Tips to follow idea #6

  • Make a group and add more than 10K member- To have a group to start earning money through Facebook, you will require to have a group more than 10K members. If you have a group like that, it is good, otherwise, take some time and make one. 
  • Arrange pole and surveys- A group with 10K people is a great asset that can be used to bring poles and surveys for the brand. So, use your group wisely and get the paid surveys done. These paid surveys will solve your queries of how to make money from Facebook. 
  • Apply to affiliate marketing on group- Affiliate marketing these days is a bounty earner and if you have a group with more than 10K member, you became applicable to perform this tactic. In here, you can help any brand sell their products through affiliate marketing and hence, earn money with Facebook. You can make money using Facebook $100+ a day. 
  • Keep sponsored content quality the best- While you try to attract the readers with your outstanding writing skills, make sure you content is up to the mark and qualitative. Further, it should be genuine because a genuine content and review will strengthen the members and a bad content will decrease in the amount of members. 

#7- Hunt the Facebook and become bug bounty hunter to earn money

This idea will not be applicable to all, though. Still there are many geeks and coders who can use this tactic to earn money from Facebook.
But as easy as it seems, it is not at all. It would require a lot ​of effort because Facebook is already designed by professionals and  hunting bugs will not be an easy task. So, apply all your coding aesthetics and intellects to search bugs which could earn you bounties.
FYI, since the start-up of this program in 2011, it has paid almost $5 million to the bounty hunters. This latest stats about the Facebook Bug Bounty is all true and it should get you motivated to learn code and earn through bounty hunting.
What's up? Ready to get geeky??​
Paid reward of Facebook Bug Bounty Hunter from 2011 to 2016
$ 5 Million Total Bounty Paid till 2016

Tips to follow idea #7

  • Learn about Facebook Bug Bounty Hunting: To make money using Facebook $100+ a day is not a big deal with the concept of Facebook Bug Bounty hunting. But as this whole concept requires a lot of brain and coding knowledge, it is not a childs-play. Therefore, if you are taking this task of hunting bug on Facebook, learn what it is all about. Here is an easy guide of Facebook Bug Bounty Hunter. 
  • Read some books of pro hackers- As bug hunting somewhere includes targeting the website, you must read some of the books of professional hackers. Once you will understand the threat then only you can search the threat to provide solution. So, this whole process might eat your time and brain. But the reward will be priceless. 
  • Read about the other winners of bug bounty program- Sometimes, what you cannot learn from yourself is taught by others. So, if you are willing to crack the program, you can also learn about some of the previous winner and their journey of hunting. The success story will definitely help you with. 
  • Do not always expect millions- Bug hunting pays well but not always. The paid amount depends upon the credibility of the bug. Therefore, the amount of the bug bounty program may vary from $1 to $n million (n is the positive real number) depending upon the type of bug hunt. So, despite of keeping the expectation to earn millions, you must aim to hunt big bug. That will fetch you satisfactory amount. 
Now i hope you found some amazing information regarding how to make money on facebook. Now i will become selfish and ask you for a favor: Can you give gift me a world tour :D. I am kidding, please share this article on your social media and help educate your friends about this new and amazing way to make money.

Earn money from Facebook Infographic

make money facebook infographic


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