Friday 28 July 2017

Babaria Media - How to save money in India – 21 absolutely amazing ways

How to save money in India – 21 absolutely amazing ways

Have you ever heard the lyrics of Cheap Thrills, " I don't need no money!"
Well, I have heard the song  but I have never agreed to its gist. I mean who does not want money- I do; in fact, you all do need the same. 
To make money in India, you just don't need to earn more, you can learn how to save money in india as well​
how to save money india
I love making money and saving money (after all i am a baniya 😀 Aggarwal ). ​In fact, if I am put on a research table to know what runs in my mind- it would be, " I need money."
So, if you say that you do not need money, then either you are a Sant (Saint), devoid of all the basic needs of a human life, or you are just not a human!
Jokes Apart! Let us come at the basic gist of ​this article that revolves around the saving of every single penny which in the future could prove to be beneficial as you want.
Do not go anywhere and stick your eyes onto here. There are some of the interesting and truly-working money saving tips that are shared here. ​
Watch Out! Here comes the First!
I would here divide the whole concept in Two Ways- Saving smartly in household chores and Saving by making smart financial decisions​.

Saving smartly in household chores

​As the category defines itself, here we will discuss about the money saving tips in the household chores. This section is important for women, though. However, men could also spare their attention towards this category.

#1. Call off all the impromptu outside breakfast, lunch and dinners- No McD, No Pizza Hut

Seems quite tough but this is the least which you can start with. All these impromptu dinners and lunches outside the home cost you a lot. You not only spend Twice or Thrice than your normal fooding expenses, you also end up earning loads of calories. Therefore, spending in Pizza Hut for once in a month is Okay, but going weekly is like crushing your money savings in pieces. 
save money india

Eating outside kills money and gives calories!! What you want to choose?
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#2. Shop with a list- shopping without a list always pushes you to buy unneeded

This happens mostly with women that they go for shopping to buy cutlery and they come back with whole new bunch of other kitchen essentials. So, basically, women go with what they find pretty to their eyes.
Therefore, this is what we are required to avoid. We are required to make a list of necessary items (necessary here means actually necessary items without which kitchen is incomplete).
Also, in this quest, make you check whole of your kitchen and household for the lacking necessities. If there is something which is actually needed to buy, list it; otherwise, leave it.

Impulsive buying is key to wrecked finances! 
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#3. Start extreme couponing- You might buy your grocery all-free

how to save money in india every month
While I was young, I watched a TV series named as ​Extreme couponing. In the series, I had seen many families buying groceries with coupons collected through online hunting and Walmart shopping. The extremely amusing fact was that they used to shop their monthly grocery almost free with the coupons they had collected. 
But earlier, as I had a brain sizing nut, I did not get the fact behind it. I thought that It was all -scripted and hence, false. However, when I actually researched the fact when I grew up, I was shocked.
As they say that necessity is the mother of invention, I researched a lot and had found that it works!
Since then and now, I am a big of Extreme couponing and I never let the chance go. ​ In fact, I am also prompting you all to be a follower of extreme couponing. But as this involves a lot of research, keep an open eye on the coming coupons and deals to save it off.

Hunt the coupons to hunt big budgeted discounts on grocery shopping!
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#4. Shop online to get discounts and deals- Use the promotional tactics of companies 

​With an air of digitization all around, everyone in India is turning into an online consumer of all types of services. Well, quite a big step and one of the easiest money saving tips. Therefore, if you are still living in the old world of cash give and take, buckle up. The time zone of yours needs to be changed. Try using online services for buying, selling and paying the expenses for the commodities.  
There are many websites like Paytm, etc. which give massive discounts and offers to use them as your payment channel. 
But as you might be all new in the field of online shopping, there are many of the websites which are ready to guide you through. Take your toddler steps with them.
  • Browser add-ons like  Makkhi Choos will automatically tell you about the latest deals and difference of same prices in multiple websites. 
  • Websites like Cashkaro and Gopaisa will allow you to track down the additional benefits. 
  • With the e-commerce and Payment Wallets like Paytm, Freecharge, Mobiwik, etc., you can get discounts on your shopping and recharges. 

#5. ​Avoid the sparkly lure of Buy 2 Get 1 Free offers- You generally waste extra money

Whenever there is offer of Buy 2 Get 1, all of generally fall in the same pit of paying extra without any need. If I have to put the same situation is a few simple words then, you pay extra by getting lured with such offers.
In simple words, if you need one jean, why would you pay for two when you do not need that extra pair. The money which you are using to buy that extra jean could be utilized in any other way by buying the extra essential things for home.
Buy 2 Get 1 Free is a trap to lure you people to pay for the third without any intention to buy it. ​
It is just our human tendency that we forget to do maths, when it is needed. ​Also, this is not enough. We thoroughly pat ourselves proudly because we have banged up a deal. But who knows the utter reality that the deal has silently banged us.
how to save money in india

#6. Save electricity to save unseen expenses

This our royal habit that we want fan and AC both working together. We know that AC itself is capable of cooling the whole atmosphere around but still we need the fan to be running.
So, factually what we are doing- we are wasting the electricity and hence, the money which is to be paid at its place. Therefore, it would be a wise man's step to save as much as electricity as you could. Every single unit that you would save everyday would make a huge saving interms of money after a few month. You can then realize that you have literally saved a lot. 
money saving tips india

Tips to save the electricity bills

  • LED lights are the latest technology; replace all the fluorescent lights with it. 
  • When you are not using, let all the lights, fans and equipment be off. 
  • Plan for natural lights in the daytime, it will save  a lot of electricity in that was to be used in the daytime. 
  • If ironing the cloths for office, make sure you have ironed all of the clothes one time. This will save electricity as well as your efforts. 
  • While leaving the house, make sure you cross check all the equipment twice. Switch them off and then leave the house. 

Saving by making smart financial decisions​.

​Now, in the first category, we have learnt to save money in the household chores. There comes the next category to save money outside the house by making some smart financial decisions. 

#6. ​Avoid using the plastic money- You do not have control on how much you are spending

This is a bitter truth but it is. When we pay through the credit cards and debit cards, we generally do not realize that how much we are spending.
It is just like, "Ohh! need to pay the bills, just Swipe, swipe, swipe!" With type of paying, we do not realize that we even paid for non-essential items and we are still swiping.
However, when we have the real cash and we count to give it to others, our brain automatically stops us informing us that we are loose spending the money. Then our brain very well knows that what is essential to buy and what is not.
Therefore, whenever you go outside, keep the limited amount of money in your pocket. This is one of the ultimate money saving tips.
The real notes notify you that they are getting spent!
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#7. ​Put a stop on your smoking and drinking habits- Every time you smoke, you burn a note

If you are a drinker and smoker both, you must be facing the hard time to save up the extra pennies. Am I right?
Absolutely, I am!
The tip here says that if you would limit your smoking and drinking habit, you are likely to save  lot. Now, generalize this in whole- when you buy drinks, you generally buy something to eat with​ and when you buy something to you choices are diversified. 
best way to save money in india
Therefore, in this chain, one expense leads to other, and hence, you ultimately spend a lot.
So, to keep such extra expense at the verge, quite drinking and smoking. Quitting these ​will not only save up your money but will also save your liver, kidney and respiratory tract.

To track the success report

To track your success report in saving the extra pennies, make sure you put the money of cigarette and drink in a piggy bank when every time you urge to buy them. After one month is over, break the piggy bank and see how much you have saved. You will be happy of what you have just did. 
Buy 1 and Get 2 offer- quite smoking and drinking and save money and health both!!
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#8. ​Make investments- The invested money is more likely to save

Do not save what is left after Spending. But spend what is left after Saving
Warren Buffet
American business magnet, Philanthropist and investor
Indeed a great quote by Philanthropist and investor, Warren Buffet. But do you know how many of us follow this quote- none.
However, in the reality, this should be our first and foremost thinking since the moment we are introduced with money. If we learn to save yet, we would be able to handle any of the situation very aptly.
As they say that, so you sow, you reap! While you would invest the money in the present, you would have a great financial back-up in the near future.
Therefore, start investing all your earnings smartly. But investment here does not mean that you would invest on share market and wait for quick profits. Investment has a technique​ which should be followed efficiently to reap the future benefits. Most importantly, the investment that you are making should be on a long term basis.

The Stock market is a device for transferring money from the patient to impatient. 
Warren Buffet
Investor & Philanthropist
Tips for investment

  • Invest in mutual fund with long durations
  • Do not invest in short term mutual funds; SIPs are the best solutions. 
  • Always put 10% in short term plans and 90% in long term investments.
  • Always research top mutual funds before actually i investing into them. 
  • If you are thinking to invest in a way that it has medical benefits too, you can invest in health insurance policies. These policies give 80D benefits in income tax slab. 
  • Further, if you want a reasonable amount of money growth with proper risk cover and income tax benefits then, try investing into insurance policies. 
​Set yourself a budget every month- You should not go beyond your capacity

#9. ​Set yourself a budget every month- You should not go beyond your capacity

indian money saving
We all have heard this idiom saying, "Cut your dress according to your cloth." But have we ever pondered over it. No! Never! I guess we did not feel like giving it much attention.
Dear friends, this is the point where we made the mistake. Actually, this should be our first concern that ​how much we want to spend and how much resources we have. Once we start planning according the resources we have, we will save a lot- whether it is about money, time or anything else in the world. 
Therefore, to start comprehensively, always plan your budget first. Once you are done planning with your budget, there will be an ease of handling all the expenses according what you earn.  ​
Moreover, there will come a point where, this budget limiting will lead you to save money. Once you would learn this by yourself, you will be capable of explaining how to save  money to your youngsters as well.

#10. Save income tax the smart way

Income tax or any kind of tax takes a significant portion of your income every month and year. People think that saving money starts after giving the income tax and then thinking of strategies and best way to save money. But what if you can save money on your income tax.
You need to educate yourself on strategies and ways to save income tax to save an enormous amount of money from your total income. I have written a comphensive post on saving income tax and I cover many ways, methods and smart strategies that can be extremely helpful for you, check it out: (add link)
Agents from banks and other policy agents will try to sell you stuff that makes them the biggest commission. They don't care about your income tax and your saving needs. They just care about their commission, so be smart and save your income tax today. ​

Other Money Saving Tips in India

#11. Switching from Postpaid to Prepaid mobile plan

Postpaid looks very attractive with added benefits and you feel like a king in the world, but trust me you end up spending more.
If you are a heavy user then its fine for you, but for moderate users, prepaid plans are much cheaper compared with postpaid plan. Also, since the launch of Reliance JIO and telecom war, companies are coming up with some amazing, amazing offers to lure customers into not switching to JIO.
Now ​the prepaid plans are offering what was earlier offered to postpaid plans. Unlimited calling, unlimited SMS, unlimited this and that and just pay for the data. So if you are still stuck on postpaid, switch right now to prepaid plan.

#12. Use credit cards to your advantage

Although credit cards are looked upon as a sneaky way to spend more. People generally end up spending a lot more because of the money being plastic in nature. I am a heavy user of credit cards, and if done right, you can save a lot of money using credit cards
I have wr​itten an elaborate article on choosing the best credit card and how to save a lot of money every month, check the article: (add link)
You can easily save from Rs500-1500/month using credit cards. Caution: It takes temperament for using credit cards the right way to save money. ​

#13. Read books - Yes this can be helpful as well

I love my kindle (I have mentioned all the tools that help me make money in this article, I tools) and I have learned the best and most helpful   knowledge from books.
I read  books on all the topics, from blogging, life, investment, saving money, making more money, fiction, non-fiction and many more. By reading the experiences of others and learning from the experts, I discover new strategies and ways to make and save more money.
Through, the target is to pass on that knowledge to all of you. But reading books will definitely help you make better financial choices
Now you guys must be wondering, he promised 21 tips, but he has only delivered the top and best 13 ways to save money, what about the other 8. Worry not, even if you cover these 13 ways to save money even then you are good to go. If you are done with these 13 then you can send me an email and I will personally share with you the cheat sheets, hidden tactics I use to save more money. But before that, follow these 13 listed tactics and send me a thank you email for sharing  these wonderful tactics with you. 
​The final take - 
Money is one of that essential commodity that helps in earning all the amenities of the world. But when you do not manage it perfectly, it miss-manages your life. Therefore, it would be good that you start managing the money well, which is only possible when start saving it. 
In this article, we discussed those money saving tips and I guess you are very well clear of the perspective behind how to save money.
Lastly, I would like to bid adieu with this motivational and eye opening phrase - 
"It is not about how much money you make; It is about how much money you save!!"
If you learned anything new in this article, kindly share this article with your friends and help them save more money as well. Sharing this article might help you look like a knowledgeable financial consultant to your friends :D, just kidding share it only if you learned anything new.


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