Friday 28 July 2017

Babaria Media - 10 mind blowing ways to get more Youtube Subscribers

10 mind blowing ways to get more Youtube Subscribers

If you are searching for how to get more subscribers on YouTube, then you are definitely at the right place, why because I have helped many youtubers build their audience base (after all digital marketing is my thing 🙂
This article covers 20 mind-blowing ways to get YouTube subscribers and will help you get big and make money on YouTube.
Video Content is one of the preferred ways of marketing products and services to a large audience present on the internet. The videos provide the advantage of the visual and audio presentation that explains the benefits of the products and services.
They are offered by startup businesses, medium and small businesses and established brands and the working professionals in the market. At present the biggest platform for the video promotions is YouTube it is the second most searched portal for the information on the planet after
how to get youtube subscribers

How to get Youtube Subscribers - 20 ways to get more subscribers

#1. ​Design and Create a Solid Plan for the Videos.

The first step towards creating a popular and hit YouTube channel is to plan it well. The plan must be thorough well researched, solid and creative. Decide what you like creating the most and focus on the concerned topic.
Develop important skills for making your online video blog a grand success. 
get more subscriber on youtube
Do not copy the existing YouTube channels that are famous and trending. If you enjoy your work then the success rate is expected to be high. It is important to have a strong formulated plan that does not allow you to veer off to an unrelated topic.
As a video blogger you must keep the following points in mind and include as many details as possible.
  • Write down the exact word you want to say.
  • Write down the actions you want to take in the video. 
  • Mention the main points that are the key focus. ​
  • Any crucial or necessary calls for the action.
Make sure your script for the presentation in the video is target audience oriented. Identify the target audience and use the best-suited language to woo the audience.

#2. Create Effective and Impactful Content for the Target Audience.

It goes without saying that content is the backbone of any type of blogging activity. The content must be effective, engaging and informative on the target audience. Make sure the content stays that way for the entire duration. The content that works the best way is the sought after entertaining and effective content that is liked by the audience.
Overall, it is safe to say that videos that are most entertaining and informative are liked by the people. Videos that make an impact on the audience and remain relevant irrespective of the time are called the evergreen videos. Also, videos that come in the public view like a burst and get maximum hits and likes for a short-duration of time are called the burst videos.
It is advisable to the ​upload the combination of the burst videos and the evergreen videos. This helps in promoting the video blogs more effectively and getting the maximum number of the video views. As a video blogger makes sincere efforts in creating the evergreen content that does not get affected by time and fade away.
Those who are not comfortable in making the videos or shy away from the cameras can try their luck with the Screencasts. The Screencasts are also popular on the YouTube and people prefer watching the screen casts that are entertaining and informative. ​
What ever you do in making these videos , make sure the videos are entertaining, interesting, they have a long term effect on people. Also, it is helpful if the videos are highly engaging and become of good value to the audience.
Example: Simple Pickup has crafted a very unique niche of picking up girls and educating people about this. Since its unique the channel exploded.

#3. Increase the Frequency of the Uploads.

get more subscribers
It is an established fact that if the audience likes the work of the publisher then only they will remain loyal to the YouTube channel and also increase in number. Therefore, it is imperative to make sure that the content is uploaded regularly without fail and compromise on the video content quality.
If the audience loves the work of the publisher then they remain consistent and present on the channel. Also, these existing audiences can motivate their contacts to become the YouTube channel subscribers.
Especially in the present digital age the YouTube channel subscribers want more and more entertainment. You need to be efficient in keeping up with the subscribers demand for unique and entertaining content.
Consistency is the key to success the top quality content that gets published online without much ado. Release the videos in timely and structured fashion. Make sure you are publishing at least one video per week.
youtube upload frequency
See how MKBHD is uploading videos Regularly
It is crucial to stick to your fixed schedule and do not veer off from it. not uploading the video blogs as per the schedule will cause your reputation to get affected badly. Watching the YouTube blog is very similar to watching the television episodes and getting habitual for the same.
Example: Indian YouTube series Life Sahi hai i was a massive hit, but they stopped producing videos and fans were highly disappointed.

#4. Optimize the Titles.

Giving a unique and creative title relevant to your YouTube video is one of the smartest tricks to attract viewers on the YouTube channel. This helps in increasing the number of the YouTube Subscribers. This way you will have large number of people coming to your channel due to curiosity.
It is also important for the YouTube channel owner to do a thorough and well planned SEO for the YouTube marketing.
Below mentioned are few helpful tips for optimizing your YouTube titles that have a greater reach.
Tip: Learn everything about Youtube SEO on Brian Deans Website.
youtube seo
a. Use the Keyword in the Title. This SEO practice of using the keyword in the title helps in getting the published blog or the article in the prominent search results. All of this has a very large effect on the video files.
The Google crawlers do not watch the videos since it can be time consuming. Nevertheless, they do read the blogs that have the appropriate keywords. This is why it is important to put the keywords in the title that will let Google bots know what the video is all about.
b. Use Google Adwords to know what People are Searching. Try to handle the videos with the mix of high-volume searches and low competition.
c. Do not use Lengthy Titles. Lengthy title can sometimes be confusing or throw the viewer off the track. Therefore, the YouTube video cannot have the lengthy titles. Also, it is crucial to have the title within the 50 character limit.
d. Use Creative and Unique Title that Engages Subscribers. As mentioned above if the title of the video blog is engaging, catchy, interesting and intriguing. It will attract large number of viewers from the internet. More the number of clicks you have the higher the number of ranking it has.
e. Avoid Using the Word “Video” in the Title. The use f the word video will only take space and in no way contribute towards high search rankings and result base on this service.

#5. Make the most of the Channel Customization.

YouTube offers a variety of the customization options to the pro-bloggers. You must make the complete use of these customization tools offered by YouTube. This will help in promoting the brands in front of large audience. Make your video blog appear professional and the visitors will show respect and trust on your YouTube channel.
Provided you have an existing blog on YouTube and also a sizable number of the subscribers then it is fair to say that you must use the effective branding tools. These branding tools are helpful for your YouTube Channel to make sure that it gets easily recognizable.
get subscribers
Customizing the channels as per the well-designed and planned custom art can help it make look unique and trendy making it attractive due to its unique appeal. Use the custom background which includes some elements and designs for your blogs.
Tip: Use Canva (it's free) to create beautiful channel art and social media images. Thank me later

#6. Personalize Thumbnails of the Video.

YouTube channel video bloggers have a common opinion on creating the thumbnails of the videos. If you want to show basic feature or information regarding your video blog content then the thumbnail with trendy and attractive images is important.
To make an attractive and attention-grabbing thumbnail make sure annotations are used and relevant images are used to create a catchy thumbnail. This helps in increasing the “click through rate”.
Implementing these features help you in telling your video blog viewers to understand what the video in about. At present, the YouTube offers a selection of thumbnails. You must choose carefully because the right dimensions and the right type of the thumbnails help in understanding the intent of the video that is created.
youtube thumbnail

#7. Create A Unique and Engaging Channel Trailer.

YouTube offers a great feature called channel trailer. This feature allows you to play the video upon the opening of a YouTube channel. The channel trailer feature is helpful in engaging the visitors.
Therefore, always make sure the trailers are made with perfection. These trailers are meant to be interesting and consistently engage the visitors towards the YouTube channel.
The trailer is a basic highlight about what type of video content the visitors are going to see. The trailer allows you to capture audience’s attention within few seconds.
youtube channel trailer
Creating a perfect channel trailer is not an easy task and it ranges somewhere between 30 seconds and 60 seconds. The trailer not only tempts the viewers to see the video content but also gets them interested in the coming online episode.
This keeps the existing subscribers and the potential subscribers interested in the video content. Provided you are good with the camera then give a structured, well planned, quick and informative introduction in front of the camera.

#8. Make Good Use of Annotation for the “Call to Action”.

Often you may have seen some type of the hyperlink appearing during the video streaming. That is called the “call to action” annotation.
When used in a proper way this technique can lead to increased number of video channel subscriber. A simple link that has the URL for the channel subscription has benefited many YouTube bloggers in a big way.
youtube annotation
When done on premium video that has high viewership the call to action annotations can help you to grow the video blog exponentially. This work must be done smartly to avoid any type of the frustration in the mind of the viewer.

#9. Use the Right Tools.

There are different tools at your expense available free on the internet. These are great tools that help you make your videos. Also, some of these videos help you promote the videos, using the right tools can help you get the much needed organic viewership.
The more organic views you have the better potential for subscribers you can get. One of the famous tools is called the tube buddy that is a famous tool for the YouTube marketing.
The TubeBuddy experience will help you find more viewers so you can make more money by promoting the brands products and services. Also, the tool helps you to automate the YouTube process.
You can also use Social Blade to your advantage by being smart.
tube buddy

#10. Let the Viewers find your Channel.

YouTube offers the option of linking your official website. If you have an official website then make sure you link the same. This is actually a good move in getting new visitors and increasing the visitor headcount.
When you direct the interested and curious visitors to your website it actually makes you more popular on the net. Go to the channel settings and add your website URL in the channel description.
how to get more subscribers

#11. Make sure the videos are under 5 Minutes.

Many people upload their YouTube videos with in-depth details. The high visitor videos are generally below 5 minutes in length.
People who make more than 10 minute videos are searching for how to get YouTube subscribers, but they don't understand that the attention span of people is decreasing.
As per the ComScore reports back in 2014 the average length of most of the YouTube videos was around 4.4 minutes. If you are a beginner in YouTube video content development considers this number as the golden number.
Follow this number until follower fan base is not built.
Once you have a good following you can then experiment with the length of the video and how the audience reacts.
  • Keep it informative, short, simple, entertaining and under 5 minutes.
  • It is tough getting the results and worth the sincere efforts.
youtube short videos

#12. Make use of the YouTube Intro & Outro.

The YouTube intro and outro helps in making the video more entertaining and interesting. When you have an intro and the outro in your video blog then it appears more pleasing and professional. It can be understood as a theme to at the beginning of a TV show, similar to that is the Intro. In addition, if your video file has an attractive intro, then the chances of the viewer’s staying back and watching the whole video is very high.
youtube intro and outro

#13. Be Ruthless in Editing your Videos.

It is important to become ruthless with your videos when it comes to editing them. IF how to get more youtube subscribers is your question then video quality will matter a lot.This will make sure you only have the top-grade quality of the videos left for uploading on the YouTube Channel. It is imperative to make sure that not every video makes its way to the YouTube video blog. Only the best shall get uploaded because that video blog is the crowd puller.

#14. Video Descriptions.

how to get subscribers
Video Descriptions are a gist of the whole story and help the publisher get better search results on the web for the related topics. Optimizing the video Description is important as per the SEO perspective. The description gives an idea about the nature of the video.
Avoid Overdoing the same because having a detailed description is some a viewer may not like. From the perspective of Digital marketing adding the keywords in limited numbers is important. excess keyword use will not bring any promising search results and traffic.

#15. Meta Tags and their Importance.

Meta Tags are used to show the keywords that are important. Use the Google keyword planner for getting the ideas for the relevant keywords for the YouTube videos. This strategy helps in making the content more discoverable in both YouTube and Google search engines.
It is important to research the validity of these keywords and their frequency for search on the internet. The most searched keyword is important they must be used as per planning not excessively. If your video content does not have too many viewers then it does not mean it is because of the poor content quality only.
youtube meta tags
This can also be because of the poor use of the right keyword that can play a crucial role in the high-search ability of the content. The Metadata is important in getting the search results on the video files that are displayed on the YouTube portal.

#16. Finish the video on a High Note.

It makes sense to end the videos on the high note, the viewer watching the video with interest can motivate other people to watch the same leading to increase in viewership. Therefore, make the ending of the video memorable. Also, it is crucial to make sure that you ask the viewers to subscribe and share their feedback on your video blogs. You must end your videos in an interesting manner so the viewer is hungry for more.

#17. Collaborate with the fellow Youtuber’s to gain youtube subscribers

It has become a common trend on the YouTube to collaborate with other YouTube channel owners. The collaboration brings together creative and successful channel owners. This process benefits you, the collaborators in bringing forward creative and genuine content. This suits the audience hungry for something new and fresh.
The creative process is constructive that turns the competitors into allies. This also offers an edge over established video bloggers that are ahead of you by a great margin. The team effort of collaborators encourages new ideas. When used constructively they can lead to the better promising growth of the online video channels.
This enables you and collaborators to have the common benefit of increased audience and viewership of the digital content. A successful collaboration enables you to connect better with the new audience. Overall, this is a win-win situation.
youtube collaborate
Example: TVF channel collaborated with very popular Bhuvan bam and see how many visitors they got on their videos.

#18. Maintain Healthy Interaction with your Loyal Fan Base to get subscribers

Interaction with the fans is the crucial element is gaining their trust and loyalty towards your online channel. It is important to entertain their requests and answer their queries to clear their doubts and encourage them in providing positive ideas in making the YouTube channel better.
It is possible to face some criticism, anger, and backlashes in the comment section. But it is important that you brush it off with elegance and listen to the loyal fan base.

#19. Consider Video Challenges and Give Aways to get youtube subscribers

Offers some giveaways to your audience in exchange for their participation on your YouTube channel. A free giveaway or a reward during a contest will reward your followers and encourage new followers to join in.
Below are some ideas that can be used in the giveaways.
  • A New Technology Gadget.
  • A New Automobile.
  • A Branded T-Shirt.
  • A Hosting Subscription.
  • A brand new wrist watch.
The audience loves getting something in free and also share their story about receiving something good with their friends.
youtube giveaway
This is a viral promotion that gets many people involved in the competitions. Hence the expected response from the existing fan base. The new fan base will become better and channel subscriptions will increase with large numbers.

#20. Promotion of YouTube Channel on the Cross-Platform Is Crucial to get more subscribers

Social is a large and effective platform for businesses to promote their products and services. Online business, blogs, and other types of businesses benefit from a massive population present on the social media platforms. Many of these people are potential clients and buyers of the products and the services.
Therefore, for youtube channel owners it is imperative to promote their youtube channel on multiple social media platforms and establish a brand value. Because of this, the video bloggers can reach out to the millions of local people and billions of international audience.
One should have a profile on Facebook, twitter and Google Plus. Along with these names social media platforms such as Snap Chat, Pinterest, and Instagram, etc offer millions of potential subscribers.

About Youtube Subscribers and their relevance

Millions of people from all over the world log into the YouTube portal and spend valuable time searching for the video content of their interest and watching the same.
In order for a business or a working professional to promote their product or services, it is important to market them on video blogging platforms that have millions of users.
YouTube has more than 1 billion followers that offer comprehensive information from sources that are either reliable or independent. Recently Facebook and Twitter have stepped into video marketing business and they are many years behind the
Because of the immense popularity, YouTube enjoys among the global audience it has become of the largest online video marketing portals for the businesses.
People have their own YouTube Channel that has information regarding the topic ion interest and specialization of the channel owner.
These YouTube Channel owners are either businesses or individuals with the large audience that visits their video blogs every month.
This type of massive traffic pay way for the online marketing and advertising businesses like to do so they can promote their products and services and get new customers.
This has benefited different established brands because advertising on YouTube channel is comparatively cheaper than print media and television media. YouTube ads are 80% cheaper in cost when compared with the television ads.
With more than 1 Billion viewers online this is a large potential client base YouTube has to offer. Therefore, the online video blogging portal has become a massive revenue generation enterprise. The channel owners have the audience called the YouTube Subscribers.
There are many channel owners that have millions of channel subscribers. These are also potential clients for known brands and businesses that are growing and keen on exploring the new client base. The larger the number of YouTube Subscribers the higher amount of the revenue from advertisers.
Therefore, one must keep in mind the importance of loyal and dedicated YouTube Subscribers that do not leave the channel.
There is stiff competition on YouTube from different channel owners on the similar topics, therefore, the revenue for a channel owner does not remain consistent. Many channel owners have a common concern about How to get more views on YouTube?
Many successful YouTube has shared their experiences with the global audience. The YouTube enthusiasts regarding tried and tested methods that have resulted in improved quality of the video content. There are different smart ways to increase the number of the subscribers.
Also, it is a great platform for Digital Marketing and Advertising.


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