Friday 28 July 2017

Babaria Media - Check PF balance or EPF balance in 2 minutes – 7 easy steps

Check PF balance or EPF balance in 2 minutes – 7 easy steps

Are you looking for an easy way to check pf balance or EPF balance status, then this article will show you how to do it. This article will cover all about how to check pf balance online and offline.
Employee Provident Funds also are known as the provident fund is a major savings scheme that is followed by the millions of salaried people in India. Every month an approximate 12% of the basic salary gets contributed to the EPF account. 
An equal percentage of the same is contributed to the account by the employer. It is the largest retirement saving scheme in India and it is supported by the Government of India. The UAN can be used to link the single PF account as well as multiple PF accounts.
check pf balance
Until a few years back finding out the status of your EPF account was not an easy task. However, since the government departments are computerized, now the employees can see the latest information regarding the EPF account.
Now the EPF balance is available via online statements and the subscribers to the messaging service can also get the information via SMS as well. The employee can see the EPF balance till the last contribution.

EPF balance check - 7 easy ways to check pf balance 

epf balance check

#1. Use the SMS Service for Monthly Updates of EPF balance

Register yourself at the UAN website and benefit from the SMS service to get the information about the EPF account status every month and the EPF Balance.
PF balance check with UAN number
Checking the balance of the PF account is the most common way to keep track of the PF account and contribution getting updated in the same on a timely basis.
Nowadays, everyone has the UAN and you can use this to track EPF account.
There are multiple tasks related to the EPF that can be performed at the UAN website. The UAN number is a unique number given to the employee provident fund members (EPF).
PF balance check with UAN number
  • Obtain the UAN number from the employer.
  • Register the UAN on the UAN portal. Activate the UAN. (
  • Wait for the EPF balance update via SMS. For the first SMS to arrive initially it might take 45 minutes.

#2. Download your EPF Passbook from the Website Portal of UAN for epf balance check

The UAN portal gives the opportunity to the EPF account holder to download the digital passbook and the account statement. The passbook contains the important information about the EPF Balance.
Download your EPF Passbook from the Website Portal of UAN.
There are different facilities available on the UAN portal. Amongst them is the facility to download the PF passbook, the passbook has the following information mentioned in it.
  • The Monthly Contribution of the PF.
  • Employees Monthly PF Contribution.
  • Employer Contribution towards EPF Scheme.
  • Latest EPF Balance.
The passbook of the UAN, not only gives the information pertaining to the PF balance. Also, regarding the entire EPF contribution and the balance on every month end. The information displayed on the passbook is similar to the bank account statement. In order to benefit from such services, you need to make sure of few tasks to be completed in time without fail.
In order to get the PF account statement and inquiry through UAN Passbook first, you need to activate the UAN account. Once the activation is done you can then log into the account anytime. You must remember the UAN Password and number.  You must access the EPF dashboard on the EPF Portal and download the EPF passbook.

#3. Download the EPF Passbook from the Member Website Portal to check epf status

If you are visiting the member portal then the website gives you the link for downloading the passbook. Get familiar with the PF Balance and the employer contribution as well.
Download the EPF Passbook from the Member Website Portal.
The employees accessed and downloaded their EPF passbook from the EPF passbook before the UAN Portal was introduced to the public in general.  If you want to download the member portal on UAN network is easy to operate.
Below mentioned are some key points to understand this well.
  • In case you have forgotten your log in details for the UAN portal, you can access the member’s portal to make sure you get the important the information regarding your PF account.
  • You must register your information on the member portal. The registration process is easy and requires the KYC details.
  • The member portal asks for the PF number beside this no extra information is needed at the time of the passbook download.
  • The KYC information and mobile number are sufficient details to log into the portal. The password is not necessary.
  • Once you have logged in then you need to enter the PF number to download the Pf passbook. A one-time password is sent to the mobile number for the authentication purpose.
The member’s portal sometimes is faced with the technical snags and the portal goes down. Therefore, it is imperative to access the UAN portal that is more user-friendly and does not have any technical problems.

#4. Dial The Number and Give the Missed Call for epf status

It is an easy process the UAN registration is important and necessary. If you are thinking how to check my epf account amount then this step will help you.
Missed Call Service for the EPF.
This is a simple and the easiest way to check the PF balance account. All you need to do is to give the missed call to the designated number. Within few minutes you can receive the SMS would tell you about the latest EPF balance. The service is absolutely cost-free; you can save the below-mentioned phone number and save the same in your address book.
Inquiry Number to Check PF Balance - 011+2290-1406 (Missed Call Phone Number).
pf balance check miss call
When the number is dialed after two rings the call disconnects and a few minutes later you would get an SMS from the EPFO.
The SMS received contains the following information.
  • You’re UAN.
  • Your DOB.
  • PF Balance.
  • KYC Status.
  • Last Contribution.
This method is effective in getting precise and important information instantly without any room for information theft or compromise. Provided there is anything wrong the information entered must get corrected ASAP.

#5. Send SMS to Check PF Status and epf member balance

You can send an SMS and get a reply via same to check your PF account status. Get the latest information about the PF Balance Check.
 Send SMS to Check PF Status.
Instead of sending the missed to check the EPF balance getting the information for the EPF Balance Check via SMS is an effective alternative for the employee.
Checking the information regarding the EPF Status via SMS is similar to the missed call. However, in this service, you have the option to get the information in the regional language.
The service is especially useful when the person is unable to place a phone call.
If you want to does EPF Balance check via SMS? Then send the SMS in the specific format.
check pf balance sms
The format of SMS to Check EPF Balance is – EPFOHO UAN ENG.
The number to Receive SMS of EPF Balance – 7738 299 899.

#6. Download the Mobile App for EPF balance checking

As a Smartphone user, you can download the EPF mobile app and check the status online.
Download the Mobile App for EPF.
The EPFO has launched the mobile application that can get downloaded easily. The app provides important information about the PF account status and you can activate the UAN through this App. The same app can get used by the employer and the employee.
The employer can check the status of their PF contribution and the pensioners can check the EPF pension status. You can download the EPF app from the app store such as the “Google App Store".
check epf balance app android mobile

7. Check PF Balance Online.

If all other options fail for you, then you can check the PF balance for the same online. After using these methods, you must know about the ways to keep track of your retirement savings as per the EEPF account.
UAN Based Member Passbook Download Page.
This portal is separately provided by the EPFO to download the member passbook. A while ago UAN portal was down for a long time, this portal was working for a long time. The member page is designed to only to download the EPF passbook. Once you get the passbook you can get to know the balance and much more.
Only registered members of the UAN portal and EPF portal will be able to download the passbook. You will get the passbook one day after the registration done on the member portal.

History of EPF and PF Scheme

  • Founded in March 4th 1952, the EPF scheme is an outcome of the future security for the industrial workers working without any financial guarantee back in 1950's.
  • Post independence from the British Empire in 1948 the Government of India took a unanimous decision to implement the provident fund schemes with positive changes. At that time the scheme was introduced as the statutory provident fund scheme.
  • The success of this scheme led to the expansion of the policy into other Industrial Segments in India
  • Back in 1952, the Employee Provident Fund Six Industries came under the provident fund scheme, namely Electrical, Mechanical, Cigarettes, Steel and Iron, Paper, General Engineering Products, Cigarettes, & Textiles (Wool, Jute, Cotton, Natural or Artificial, etc.)
  • For common people working in India at basic salaries, PF account is the only major savings schemes that offer them financial support for the retirement planning.For The employee provident fund organization comprises of the central government representatives, state government representatives, Employees, and Employers, etc.
  • The board is chaired by the honorable Union Labour Minister of India. The organization is headquartered at capital Delhi, India. The EPF account has a universal account number that is a 12 digit number allocated to the employees contributing to the EPF.​

What is the reason to Check PF Balance Regularly?

It is advisable to keep a tab on the PF account since it is a valuable retirement saving. The savings are important for the testing times since they offer financial backup.
Sometimes, the employers avoid depositing the PF remittance; the employer must contribute to the EPF account for its growth. Without employer’s contribution, it is impossible to grow the EPF account. Furthermore, things can get difficult if the business shuts down. It is crucial to know the status of your PF balance.

Check if the PF Balance is less than Anticipated.

Once you have checked your PF balance account you might be surprised to know about the actual amount compared to the amount expected by you. Normally, people get surprised to know their PF Account Balance is less than anticipated. There are many reasons for a low EPF Balance on the Account.
  • The employer deposits the equal amount in your bank account. However, the whole contribution does not go into the employee's provident fund. There is a fixed formula that allows the employers to contribute to the pension account by doing the deductions from the employee's salary every month.
  • At times we forget the current EPF contribution did not happen since the beginning. We make our efforts in calculating the EPF balance using the current contributions. As our salary increases over a period of time. The EPF contributions increase with the salary growth.
  • It is possible the balance of your PF account is not updated by the EPFO. Earlier the updates were annual now you have the liberty to receive the monthly updates on time.
  • The partial withdrawn from the EPF account can be the reason for the low amount projection in your EPF account. For many people in jobs at a nationwide level, the EPF is the only effective option to save taxes.

Myths Regarding Provident Fund.

There are plenty of apprehensions people have about making savings in the provident fund. Below mentioned are some of the myths and explanation for the same.

1. It does not offer any Financial Support.

Provident fund scheme is a government backed schemes that offer savings with interest on the same to the salaried person.  At the age of retirement, the retired employee can withdraw the money with interest earned on the savings.

2. EPF is Same as Pension.

In the EPF scheme, the both employer and employee contribute an equal amount of the money. Whereas, under the Pension Scheme the employer deducts a certain percentage of the employee’s salary that is contributed every month by the employer.

3. Nomination.

Many people wonder if anything happens to them whether their spouse, family or the next of kin will have the adequate support or not. Whereas, the truth is in the provident fund the nominee will have the benefit of the EPF scheme savings of the salaried professional.

4. Receive the 100% of the PF Money.

The deductions usually happen under the EPF Scheme and the EPS Scheme from the salaried person’s income. Therefore, when the claim is put on the money the EPF scheme amount is reimbursed. Whereas for the pension scheme there are separate department and separate terms and conditions to be filled.

5. Tax Benefit.

The EPF Scheme has the Tax Benefit; it does not have any type of the taxes getting levied on the same. The employee’s contribution is the taxable income. Whereas, the employee can show the saving under section 80C and save taxes on the same. Apart from the common myths and understanding the same. It is also important for us to understand the benefits of the employee provident fund scheme.

Benefits of the EPF Scheme in India.

1. Beneficial Contribution.

The EPF scheme has clear mandates about business owners making an equal contribution to savings in the EPF accounts as the employees.

2. Security of Returns.

Unlike the private sector investment schemes that may defect in case the market crashes or the company shuts down. The government scheme of Employee provident Funds guarantees the security of the sum of money to be given to the salaried employee in case of the claim or the retirement age, etc.

3. Loan Facility on the EPF Scheme.

Most of the organizations offer loan against the provident funds as security on reasonable rates offered to the employees.

4. Legal Requirements.

Any business that has more than 20 employees must start making the contributions to the employee provident funds.

5. Retirement Financial Security.

The savings done under the EPF scheme earns interest and eventually grows to a reasonable amount. This offers reliable financial security to the employee after retirement.
I hope you like this article. I have tried to cover everything about checking EPF and pf balance both online and offline. Hope this was of help. If you find this article useful, please share it with your friends so that they can check their PF balance as well.
Note: As of 28th April 2017, you can withdraw your EPF fund on the grounds of medical illness or purchase of medical equipments without even requiring the medical certificate.


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