Friday 28 July 2017

Babaria Media - Digital marketing jobs : Is The Booming Sector Of Digital Marketing All Work And No Play?

Digital marketing jobs : Is The Booming Sector Of Digital Marketing All Work And No Play?


You might have heard about digital marketing jobs and how it has risen up in the past few years.

It is touted as one of the biggest boomed (read booming) industry creating 1.5 lakh jobs in India (in year 2016) and is expected to rise to a much greater number by 2020.
The field of digital marketing in India is growing at a very rapid scale and is expected to generate revenue of 101.5 billion rupees by the end of 2017. 
digital marketing jobs in india
You might ponder on questions like, “why is digital marketing necessary and why will I require its assistance”? If you are having questions such as above, you are on the right track. Digital marketing is necessary because as compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing in India is more efficient and yield better results with time. I am not saying that traditional marketing should not be practiced, however with the advancement of digital sector, traditional marketing is going obsolete.
Before digital marketing became mainstream, freelancers and entrepreneurs took the advantage and grew with the changing trends. People who did not take note of this trend and stuck to traditional ways of marketing had a hard time growing their businesses and reaching potential customers.
Today more and more companies are waking up to find themselves left behind in the race to the top. They have now started using digital marketing techniques to attract the customers and clients. They are late in catching up, but they still have time to cope with the trend and use digital marketing to their advantage.
Before I move ahead with the article, I think it is my duty to tell you that the field and career in digital marketing in India is not as glamorous as it looks, it is somewhat boring.
It is not about sharing pictures of models or news of Poonam Pandey and her promises (which turned out to be lies in the end); it is much more than that. You might have to sit in front of computer for long hours (read 12-15hours). Only if you have interest in this field, will you be able to survive.

Digital Marketing Jobs - Career in digital marketing and Scope in India

Now that you have understood the importance and the scope of digital marketing in India, let me now tell you the various job positions that are available the umbrella term that is digital marketing.
Digital Marketing Manager
Content Marketing Manager
Content Writers
Inbound Marketing Manager
Social Media Marketing Experts/Specialists
Search Engine Marketers
SEO Executives
Conversion Rate Optimizer
Copy Writers
Job Position
Digital Marketing Manager
Approx 5Lakhs
Content Marketing Manager
9Lakhs and above
Content Writers
2.4Lakhs to 3.6Lakhs
3.6Lakhs to 6Lakhs
6lakhs and above
Inbound Marketing Manager
6.5Lakhs and above
Social Media Marketing Expert
2.4Lkahs to 4.8Lakhs
Search Engine Marketer
1.6Lakhs to 2.4Lakhs
2.4Lakhs to 4.8Lakhs
4.8Lakhs and above
SEO Executive
1.6Lakhs to 2.4Lakhs
Conversion Rate Optimizer
Copy Writers
3.6Lakhs to 6Lakhs
6Lakhs and above
Let’s consider these job positions one by one and I will help you understand the roles of each of the job position.

1. Digital Marketing Manager

If you have 5+ years of experience in digital marketing and if you have credible experience in digital marketing and if you have credible projects to support your claim that you are digital marketing expert, you can easily land a job and get hired too.
Digital marketing jobs and Digital marketing experts are in huge demand and companies hunt for these kinds of people. Having an MBA degree or certifications is not mandatory to apply for jobs.
Your projects will work as proof that you know digital marketing like the back of your hand.
Digital Marketing Manager
Your role as digital marketing manager will be to devise marketing strategies to drive online traffic to website of the company. Apart from that you will track conversion rates and make improvements to the website.
You will lead digital marketing team and they will report to VP of marketing in the company. Digital marketing manager is a mid-senior level manager position.

2. Content Marketing Manager

As the name suggests, content marketing managers are responsible for content marketing.
It includes managing the sales page, blogs, PR (on some level), eBook publications and guest blogging.
Content marketing managers will report to digital marketing managers or VP of marketing. They can either manage the team of content writers or can be a solo contributor.
Content Marketing Manager
As content marketing manager you role will include various responsibilities, few of them are listed below:
  • You will be accountable for all the content marketing initiatives to drive traffic, engagement, leads and customer retention
  • You will create content for your targeted audience and then optimize the path to conversion.
  • You will directly responsible for managing creative resources such as designers and writers.
  • Furthermore, you will design content marketing strategies, undertake content marketing initiatives to achieve business targets and short-term goals.
  • Many companies hire freelance content writers and even they will report to you (content marketing managers) in the company.

3. Content Writers

Digital marketing in India and content writing are two sides of a same coin. Digital marketing cannot function without quality content.
Without content, digital marketing team have nothing to do work their magic on.
Content is the king, and it is expected to play a bigger role as the growth of digital marketing continues.
As content writer in any digital marketing company, your role will comprise of the following:
Content Writers
  • You will be responsible for coming up with ideas and thoughts for informative articles and blogs to be posted online
  • You will also create precise and plagiarism content for the digital marketing team
  • You should know basic knowledge of SEO and keyword based writing as all the content will be keyword specific and optimized
  • You will be required to create contents apart from blogs and articles such as PDF, Press releases and micro contents for posting online in different social media websites

4. Inbound Marketing Manager

Inbound marketing is an integral part of digital marketing and solely focuses on attracting customers through content and interactions that are relevant and helpful to the customers.
Inbound marketing is an essential part as it helps the customer in finding the company with the help of various mediums such as blogs, search engines and social media.
Inbound marketing does not need to fight for the attention of the potential customers; the customers approach them. 
Inbound Marketing
With the assistance of content that are specifically designed to address the problems and the needs of the potential customers, inbound marketing attract prospects and build credibility.
You role as inbound marketing manager will consist of:
  • Manage the funnel and conversion at each stage
  • Drip marketing, lead nurturing are also the role of inbound marketing manager
  • Creating plausible strategies for attracting customers

5. Social Media Marketing Experts/Specialists

Social media marketing, as the name spells out the obvious, refers to marketing of content through the use of social media sites.
It involves the process of gaining traffic or attention of customers through social networking media.
It uses various social media sites as a toll to promote and market the services or products you are offering to the clients and the customers.
The goal of social media marketing is to produce content that is appealing and relevant to ensure that the users will share the content within their social networking sites to increase the brand value, exposure rate and reach out the customers on more personal level.
Social Media Marketing
It will help the company get direct feedback from the customers and help them serve better based on the requirements, likes and needs of the customers. The key component of social media marketing is Social Media Optimization (SMO).
Role of social media marketing expert:
  • Purposeful planning and goal setting and creating fruitful strategies
  • Development of brand awareness and online reputation
  • Content management
  • SEO (search engine optimization) and generation of inbound traffic
  • Cultivation of leads and sales

6. Search Engine Marketers

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of internet marketing involving promotion of websites by increasing their productivity and visibility in search engine results page (SERPs).
It is mostly and majorly done through the help of paid advertising.
It may sometimes incorporate search engine optimization (SEO); to reframe, rewrite or adjust content of websites or site architecture to achieve higher ranking in search engines to enhance pay per click (PPC) listings.
Search Engine Marketers
It is one of the most effective ways to grow your business by promoting it justly and with the help of right techniques. The competition is tough out there with millions of business looking to capture the market and the attention of the customers.
Google AdWords is undoubtedly the most integral part of social engine marketing (SEM) and is used widely to engage customers and attract millions of potential customers to the website using the advertisements.
Role of social engine marketing (SEM) includes:
  • Perform keyword research in coordination with client business objectives to optimize existing content and uncover new opportunities
  • Provide recommendations and execute strategies for content development in coordination with SEO goals – general and keyword specific

7. SEO Executive

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics to increase the amount of visitors on a website and turn them into possible customers.
It is done by obtaining high-ranking placements in the search results page of search engines such as Google, yahoo, Bing and other various search engines.
It can be also explained as a process that is used to affect the visibility of a website or a specific web page in a web search engine (unpaid results).
SEO Executives
The basic idea is that if a website occurs frequently in search lost, it will attract more and more visitors, which might convert into customers with the passage of time. SEO targets different types of searches such as content, image search, video search and industry specific search.
You role as an SEO expert will include:
  • Performing keyword research to examine new opportunities
  • Overseeing the production of supporting content
  • Leading the team to come up with comprehensive SEO strategies for new clients
  • Working with the social media marketing and content marketing departments to implement SEO strategies

8. Conversion Rate Optimizer

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the technique of increasing conversion rate in every stage if marketing.
Although CRO expert will be your main designation, you will be working with various people in the company from inbound marketing manager to content marketing manager.
As a CRO expert you will use various tolls to achieve higher conversion rates. You might use tools such as to help you get insights on interaction of potential customers with the landing pages.
Another tool called will help you split various elements on the web pages to find out the colors and the text that will help you get better conversions.
Conversion Rate Optimizer
Conversion rates are important and should be increasing at each stage of marketing. The advertisement or the website title should attract more clicks, the visitors should convert into leads (read potential customers), and the leads should convert into customers doing transactions.
Your role as a CRO expert will comprise of various actions such as:

9. Copywriters

Copywriting (not be confused with copyright) is the process of writing advertising promotional materials in the most engaging and lucrative manner to attract the attention of the mass and turn them into customers (digital marketing in a nutshell is about generating leads and turning those leads into customers).
Copywriters are responsible for creating promotional contents on boards, billboards, websites, emails, advertisements, catalogs and more such marketing materials.
The important that you should be clear about is that while words are the main output of copywriter, writing isn’t the part on which you would spend most of your time. You will have to research (extensively), thinking, tweaking, articulation, formatting and a heap of other peripheral tasks.
Copy Writers
The text written is often termed as “copy” and is a part of $2.3 trillion industry worldwide.
Your role as copywriter will include:
  • Writing blogs (formal and opinioned) ranging from 200-500 words
  • Creating email campaigns to pique interest, raising awareness
  • Posts for social media sites
  • Writing content for websites that need to be engaging and informative
This article covers the jobs that are currently available in the field of digital marketing in India. In this article I have covered the majority of jobs in digital marketing that you can consider as a start for your career.
The field of digital marketing in India is growing with each passing day and is expected to grow in coming few years ergo generating scope of large number of jobs.
If you are considering making it big in the domain of digital marketing, now is the time to start acting on your goals. I hope you liked this article on Digital marketing jobs then please share it with your friends:



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