Part time jobs in Bangalore: Earning extra will not hurt you
you are a student, or someone looking for an extra source of income,
these part time jobs in bangalore that we have listed in this article
will surely help you.
When we are kids, we are deprived of the importance of money because our parents are there to earn for us.
as we grow up, we are realizing the cruel reality that money is
everything. And as soon as we realized the same, we start putting in
efforts to earn as much as we can do.
Is it not true?
it is and hence, no matter if you are doing a regualr job and earning
fine, you can give offline or online part time jobs in Bangalore a try.
But to do so, you need to know the numbers of part time jobs available
in the market. And as you do not have much time to research it to the
chore, you are not aware of good things in the market.
not hassle up? Ankur Aggarwal is there!! I have researched on my part
and brought you up 25 online and offline jobs. These jobs are not
location specific and can be performed in any city you want. However, I
am sticking to Bangalore only.
25 offline and online jobs from home in Bangalore without investment
you live in Bangalore, then, you obviously understand the importance of
extra income. Many students, housewives, and the retired people who
desire to spend a little time and make some extra cash, for all of those
people, here are some of the most useful ideas of part time jobs in
The list includes two broad categories, Offline part time jobs in Bangalore and Online part time job in Bangalore. As move into more, you will see different jobs with a little explanation to understand about it.
I know I am the best about making money and suggesting to others! Thanks me later and let us just start one by one.
Offline part time jobs in Bangalore
1. Work in Domestic call center
is known as the IT hub of the country. Multiple outsourcing companies
are working there. These companies offer part-time job opportunities as
You can easily join the call center and work. There are both
international as well as domestic call centers to pick from. It will
not take enough time to go and give interviews.If you have good communication skills, getting this part time job is not tough. You can search the job at,, etc.
2. Offline data entry
entry requirements are always available in a city like Bangalore.
However, you need to find the project based work, so that, you can do it
as a part-time work.
You can take the job as an offline data
entry operator and earn some extra cash in your pocket. For offline data
entry jobs, you meet the companies giving out forms to fill.The important thing to note is that a great degree of accuracy is needed.
3. Stock trading
you have some expertise in the stock trades, then, this can be a
helpful part time work for you. The trading that offers same day earning
is what you should look for.
This way, you will earn money in
hours. But as you could be a total amateur in the field, make sure you
have taken help of some of the experts in the market.Stock trading is purely a gamble... you need to be expert to buy and sell. This guide might help you in stock trading- Guide for stock trading.
4. Network marketing
marketing is the easiest way of making money. All you need to do is add
members to a group and in the return, you get the commission.
you can do even from home. You can join the companies like Amway, etc.
which give commission and other benefits if you bring business to them.This article might guide you something about Amway Network Marketing.
5. Insurance agent
get some time after your regular work, then, selling insurance can help
you get a nice extra amount. In a city like Bangalore, selling
insurance should be a problem for you.
People are aware of it and
understand the importance, but as they have no time to think about
themselves, they do not visit the insurance office to buy policies.You can be an agent for them and get them a policy. Look at this- how to become a part-time insurance agent in India
6. Tutor
you still have those lectures restored in your brain, you can start
teaching students. A few hours can get you the pretty good amount of
monthly income.
Especially, if you are teaching students from class 10th to
10+2. The best part of teaching is that you revise your syllabus and
teach at the same time. If you are a student then, this method is one of
the best for you. 7. Marriage bureau
can start your own marriage bureau and get a commission for arranging a
meeting between people who want to get married. You help them and they
pay you in return.
Another important fact is that you bring two
souls made for each other together. So, if you know some outsanding
people to match each other for life time as couples, bring both
together. 8. Mail order
Mail order job is very helpful in earning cash, especially for women.
You just need to send magazines, pamphlets, and other items to the
The only investment you need to make is on some
stationary and postage stamps. This type of work is rarely opted but
provided handsome amount while doing part-time job. 9. Counter job at a food chain
food chains offer a great chance to invest a few hours for some good
amount of money. So, if you like to talk to people, then, this can
become a good job for you.
Also, as you work at the counter, you
get the added benefit of eating whatever you want. I would have
preferred to be at Pizza Hut; damn, I love cheese burst pizza!!10. Sales Executive
exhibitions keep happening in Bangalore. You can work on an hourly
basis and earn money. All you need to do is demonstrate the products to
the potential customers.
To join such exhibitions, you are
required to watch the daily jobs requirement in the newspapers and
classified sites in Bangalore. These short jobs could definitely bring
extra earning. 11. Catering
housewives who love cooking, catering is a good option. You only have
to work when the order comes. A few hours of work returns a lot.
sure you popularize yourself in your neighborhood for the tasty food
you make. But if you really want some professional offers, you can
upload your services in websites like, and many more local portals of Bangalore. 12. Pizza delivery
Pizza delivery job
is also a nice option in a city like Bangalore. If you know the
directions and places, then, this can be the right option for you.
can do this part time job in bangalore without investment. In fact,
with food joints like Pizza and Dominos, you can earn some extra perks
too. Online jobs in Bangalore - These are the best work from jobs in bangalore
1. Blog
Blogging nowadays has become the ultimate source of income when it comes to investing your time in something very productive.
To start blogging, you need some essentials which are nicely explained in one of my articles, how to start a blog. Once you have these essential things, you can be a pro-blogger and start earning by making a huge reader base.This is my favorite part time job in bangalore. I am making money through it and you can do it too.
You can further add Google Adsence, and start affiliate marketing when you see that you have a trustworthy user base.
2 . Online data entry
entry work is also available online. The assignments are provided and
you just have to give a few hours and deliver the projects. Anyone can
work from home and get some extra cash every month.
Here is one of my favorite articles on types of data entry jobs which you can do at home.
Note: In data entry jobs, accuracy is most important!!
3 . Online surveys
conduct surveys to understand the market well. These surveys also allow
you to make money online. You can help with these surveys and get money
in return.
However, it is important to find the trusted
platforms. But do not worry when I am here. Here is a link to websites
providing genuine income through online surveys. You might also love to get the tips for doing these surveys. 4 . Freelance writing
you have a good sense of writing, then, there are multiple
opportunities for you to work online. Many websites offer projects and
You can submit your writing and get paid. There are
websites which keep a small percentage of your earning and let you
expand your business of making money through your writing skills.
Top 5 websites to start your career are-
5 . Online tutoring
you love teaching others and spreading knowledge, then you can teach
students online. The advantage of teaching via Skype is that you can
connect with as many students as you get in touch with.
for a pro start, there are many online websites, where you can register
to teach and get handsome money. Click here for top websites for online teaching jobs. 6 . Play games
you consider yourself a pro gamer, then, you can play games online and
earn money. You need to provide reviews for the new gaming software and
in return, you get money. I am mentioning here top sites where you can
play games and earn.
Click here to start your journey of earning quick cash - top 11 sites to get paid for playing games online
7 . Ad posting
are many ad posting jobs available online. You can post ads and earn a
good amount. Also, it doesn’t require your whole day.
You can find
someone who wants their job posts to be written on classified sites and
many other job posting sites. So, be ready to earn by job posting and
earning some extra pennies. 8 . Online review writing
companies pay money for giving their company and its services reviews.
Well, if it is that easy then why would you leave that.
You need
to write a balanced review for products and get the money from the
company. There are many websites where you could find the review writing
jobs. The most prominent place is 9 . Guest blogging
You can write blogs for other sites or bloggers and get money in return. It gets a good amount of money in your account.
start guest blogging, you will first have to search the best running
blogs and ask them permission to join in. Initially, the road might seem
tough, but further it is all smooth. Let us see some handy tips for guest posting. 10 . Flipkart selling
Flipkart allows you to sell the product for them online and earn money in return. This can also be done as a part time work.
comes into affiliate marketing, and with this, you can actually make a
good amount of money. If you want to learn more, you can learn about affiliate marketing here. The benefits of doing part-time jobs
Top 5 benefits of working part-time
- Student get extra experience: In part-time jobs, the students are likely to get experience and earn while learning. With part time and weekend jobs in Bangalore, students can not only make money but get extra experience without hampering their studies. Also, as they pass out, they can show up their expertise and hard work with a scoring degree. Chances of their hiring will elevate.
- Part-time jobs help elderly to earn from home: There are many elderlies in Bangalore, who have family responsibilities but they also cannot leave home. For those, online part time jobs in Bangalore are perfect solutions. With such jobs, those elderlies could earn money without leaving their home. Also, as these jobs do not involve much indulgence, doing these jobs is quick and easy.
- No pressure of work is there: These jobs do not involve any extra pressure as it is in full-time work. Doing part -time jobs, you can live your life as freely as you can. You decide our time of work and you can do the work as you feel comfortable. There is no boss to eye on you because you are your own boss.
- You have a social life: While you do part time jobs, be it online or offline, you have life to live. You are burdened haphazardly so that you miss important occasions of your life. While doing part-time jobs, you cannot miss family outing and you as happy as you have ever been.
- You make extra money: While you have part-time jobs in hand, you have a source of extra income which is very necessary is a city like Bangalore. You can make good extra income by putting your extra time in utilization. As extra income does not harm anybody, it will also not harm you.
these are the best part time jobs that you can have in Bangalore. Pick
anyone that suits your interest and timings and start earning extra
as you have a lot of goals to meet in your life, why would not you make
things simpler at your end. Enjoy these part-time jobs as per skills
and earn while you do other things simultaneously.
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